Monday, January 15, 2007

So Here's What I Did

First I talked on the phone to some friends, then made some lunch, then I straigtened up around the house-sorted all my piles and made sure I had no bills due-or overdue.
I ventured into my scraproom and organized my things. I put things I need to work on in their own folders so it will be easy to grab them next time I crop.
Then Peanut and I went for our second walk of the day. We didn't make it as far as I'd hope to. I think she was tired from our loonnggg morning walk. We came back and she was out in no time on the couch. It was then time to make dinner, so that's what I did-oh and I made my lunches for the week-salad with some chix. After dinner, and a little bit of news watching, I decided a bath was in order. Then I finally made it to the scraproom to get some work done.
See-I told you I'd find plenty of other things to do besides scrap! But it's now 9:45 and I did a few pages in the Vegas album and then worked on and finished a small wallet sized album with Peanut pics...It'll be my brag book and I'll keep it in my purse, then I can show off my girl. So that's it. I hope you got a lot done today! It's time for bed as I have an early meeting tomorrow so Good Night!


Michele L from Tampa said...

WOW did you get lots done, and how many steps was that? I am walking at work with people at my work!

Anonymous said...

The albums is so good!!Post some pics....


Cheryl said...

You accomplished more than I did. Can't wait to see the mini album.

JulesinParadise said...

So, my New Year's Resolution is to get back my tummy from 1956...
It was good to see you!