Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Thanks for the Advice!

I did report him to the board-my neighbor next to me is the prez and the other guy on the board is 2 doors down and then I'm the other person on the board...So the prez was already meeting with our attorney about other issues so he said he'd talk to the attorney about the floor situation too...well...the attorney said we have to write a letter to both the guy above me and another guy that has wood floors and tell them they have 30 days to take it up and put carpet down...I know I will be hated for some time, but I don't really care-they did something they weren't supposed to do and they both knew it was against our bylaws.

I have my last in person class tomorrow night-then it will be online. I will be glad that I don't need to drive over there!

Other parents attended their last soccer game last night-my brother had his last game of the season and the one in college is wanting to transfer to his girlfriend's school and quit it was a sad night for my parents and bro who will not be playing in college.

That's it. Have a good one and stay warm!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Advice please!

UGH! So many of you know that I live in a condo...well in November, the lady above me sold her place. A young guy bought the place and he and his girlfriend live there. Well, shortly after he moved in-(Thanksgiving morning) while he was in the middle of fixing it up, he came home around 5:00am and since his parking spot is right behind my bed, I could hear him pull in-don't really care and didn't really notice the time until he and his girlfriend were upstairs and it sounded like they were stomping all around-I am assuming at this point that he has ripped up the carpet since I could hear them walking-stomping-around and never could hear the lady before him...then the gf was yelling at him and again I could hear it all...I was so p***** and they finally stopped yelling around maybe I finally close my eyes again and then 6:00 I hear sawing coming from the bathroom upstairs. Now I am fuming!!! So I had to be up at 6:30 so I'm sure you can imagine how furious I am at this point. Well, I decide that I'm going to knock on his door and tell him to stop sawing...I do but no answer...Then when I finally get up for the day to meet my family for the Turkey Trot and hear no noises anymore from his place-he must have fallen asleep-oh but not for long!!! I slam EVERY door-several times for no reason but to wake his a** up! Remember I've been up for 2 hours for no good reason. I guess I woke him up-oh darn-because he was on his balcony when I was leaving so I go off on him telling him that I can hear everything-from him sawing to them yelling and that it was the wrong hour of the day to do either and I say I know you are working on your place but hurry up and get carpet because I can hear all of the walking around. Later that day he apologized and I said thanks he said it'll never happen I tell him I did look up the carpet thing and the 2nd floor has to have carpet from wall to wall except for the bathroom and kitchen. He says ok thanks...

Fast forward to the next few months...I hear her/gf walking around all the time-reason why I know it's her and not him because when he's there alone, I don't hear any kind of walking-maybe he just stands by the front door...but not her-when she's there I hear her walking all over. It's like she's stomping instead of walking...I've been frustrated thinking well he knows about the carpet-he has the same bylaws and rules as I have and I wish he'd hurry up and get carpet...
So on Wednesday night I hear water start to trickle down from somewhere. I go looking and water is coming from above and into where my air unit and water heater are located. I haven't had my air on in a few days so I assume it can't be me-so upstairs I go to see if he's leaking-anyway he is and what do I see on the floor of his place?!!!!????!!?!?!?!?! WOOD FLOORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I about flipped out! But I contained myself and came back down and pulled out my condo documents to make sure I am reading things right-yet again and I that you all are asleep....WHAT DO I DO???????????????????

I am on the board for the condo, and am going to say something to the president but come on live in a condo and you agree to the rules before you move in but after you are in, you can't decide not to follow them.

Sorry about this being so long, but I had to give you the background!

Monday, January 15, 2007

So Here's What I Did

First I talked on the phone to some friends, then made some lunch, then I straigtened up around the house-sorted all my piles and made sure I had no bills due-or overdue.
I ventured into my scraproom and organized my things. I put things I need to work on in their own folders so it will be easy to grab them next time I crop.
Then Peanut and I went for our second walk of the day. We didn't make it as far as I'd hope to. I think she was tired from our loonnggg morning walk. We came back and she was out in no time on the couch. It was then time to make dinner, so that's what I did-oh and I made my lunches for the week-salad with some chix. After dinner, and a little bit of news watching, I decided a bath was in order. Then I finally made it to the scraproom to get some work done.
See-I told you I'd find plenty of other things to do besides scrap! But it's now 9:45 and I did a few pages in the Vegas album and then worked on and finished a small wallet sized album with Peanut pics...It'll be my brag book and I'll keep it in my purse, then I can show off my girl. So that's it. I hope you got a lot done today! It's time for bed as I have an early meeting tomorrow so Good Night!

My brain really hurts!

I just finished my first assignment for my class and man, that was rough! I don't think I've used those brain cells in quite a long time. They were a little dusty and I think I've misplaced some since I talk to 5 year olds all day long. My brain was hurting, and my stomach was churning-not from being sick, but from being nervous about whether or not my thinking was on the right track. AGH!!!! I hope this class gets a little bit easier-either that or I hope I can understand things a little better. At any rate, I have posted my response to an encyclopedia (yes-an encyclopedia!!) article on Critical Theory and now I wait to see what the professor thinks.

So now the day is mine-It's 1:30 and I think I'll scrap...don't hold your breath though! First I have to clear off my scrap table and then I'll find that I have dishes to clean and laundry to do and of course call my friends and see what they are doing, and then I'll find that the floor needs to be many things to choose from. Why do I always find other things to do instead of scrapping? I think because it is a challenge to get started on a project or a page and it's easier to do things that I know how to do and can see the final outcome or how it should be. With scrapbooking I can't always see the end. Do you have the same trouble? Either with scrapbooking or something else? What is it?

Ok-time to start on whatever project it will be and I'll let you know later what I did and I'll take pics too...I know you are dying to see my clean floor and dishes clean and my laundry finished...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fun Scrapping Day!

I think we all had fun yesterday scrapping! It was nice to see Robin, Teri, Jules, Michele, Alice, Cheryl, and Diana. It was also good to get an album started that I had been meaning to work on for a while. Now if I could just keep up the motivation to continue working on it. Maybe tomorrow...Today I am not feeling well. My stomach has not allowed me to do much...I was supposed to go to my cousin's baby shower but I didn't want to get her sick so I stayed home and slept. Then I finally got up and made to way to the store to get something to eat other than toast, and ran into Kip. I am going to just finish out the day on the couch so won't be close to my steps today...Tomorrow I'm going to do my homework for my class and was planning on going to the Library so as not to get distracted but with it being a holiday I'm not sure it'll be open, so instead I'll go to the park or beach.
Oh, my mom called today and said when are you bringing back my album...I think she really likes it!
Sorry for the boring post-just don't feel well.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Back to School

Well, tonight was my first class and I have a feeling I'll do OK... :) There are about 12 of us in the class and yours truly is the ONLY person that lives in St. Pete...I also felt old in the class...there are 3 of us that are not in our 20's...Not that I'm there to make friends...
Anyway, I have to read this article that is from the Encyclopedia all about Social Theory...about 20 pages or so and respond to it by next week...Can you say FUN??!!
We have to do a class project about a Social Theory-war, homelessness, racism, poverty, etc...So gotta start thinking about one that I want to work with...
So if you don't hear from me know where I'll be-at the Library, or reading...I think I'll be sure that my sub plans are all ready in the event of a mental health day!!!

Saturday, I'll be scrapping!! See you there Kip, Jules, Michele, and Robin too-(I'm not doing the walk-so we can ride together) I need to figure out what I'll be working on while I'm there...Also I have plans to see Phil-since I haven't seen him since Monday as we've both been busy. (So-Robin-maybe I need to take my car so I can leave early...I'll call you.)
Sunday, I'll be at my cousin's baby shower.

And I know you've been wondering about my steps-Wednesday's grand total was 15, 061. Today was 9,600...less than what I'd like, but I didn't have time to talk my long afternoon walk-so back to it tomorrow. I have to get more than 15,000.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

More steps and a tag!

Ok so yesterdays ending steps was a little more than 10, today's goal-more than that.
After school, Peanut and I went on a little longer walk than yesterday and as of now-6:30 pm-I have 11,200! So tomorrow's goal is more than today!

Ok-now for a tag from Michele.

Here are are the rules to play:
1. List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets
2. Tag 5 friends and list them.
3. Those people need to write on their blogs about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people.
4. Don't forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

1. Five weird things about myself or my pet.
1. Peanut sleeps with me-but what is so weird about that?
2. Peanut doesn't give kisses.
3. Peanut barks at everyone that goes into the bathroom.
4. I always have to sleep with a comforter on-even if it's hot out.
5. I don't like Jello-the consistency makes me gag...

2. Tag 5 people...
Well-it appears that only about 3/4 people read my blog-and since one tagged me and most of the others have been tagged except Robin-so Robin-you are tagged...

Monday, January 08, 2007

How many steps did you take?

Today I made it over 10,000 with a few hours left that I'll be walking around the house and take Peanut out one more time. I'm very excited to make it to 10, tomorrow I will walk more! Each day I want to add more and more steps...I know the weekends will be tough without working but maybe setting the goal of walking a little more each day will help me add more.

On another note, today was back to work/school and the kids were ok. It was really hard to get up this morning and going to sleep was no cake walk either. But, we had a really good day. Many slept during our rest time and I was ready to pass out after school. I did close my eyes for a few minutes. If it weren't for Peanut, I probably would be waking up about now-6:20, but since she has to go to the bathroom it gets me up. So off for our walk we went.

So there it is, off to a good start on the walking.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Oh Goodness!

I think I might be in over my head! I just read the syllabus for the class I am taking and the professor even is saying the course will be challenging. Great!! Just what I was hoping for. Now don't get me wrong-I knew the class probably wouldn't be a cake walk, but now I'm scared! And the list of readings we have too....AGH!! Don't look for many postings on here...I'll be busy reading my life away. I think I'm going to make a plan that every week-on a certain night, I'll just leave my house and head to the library and get my work done. If I stay here, your blogs will taunt me and Peanut will keep bringing me her ball, and the TV will want to be watched and of course my friends will all need me to call yeah-I'll be busy. I'm already stressed! I couldn't sleep last night knowing what was ahead...I finally had to tell myself that I can't do anything about it now so go to bed. Now I'm up and the stressing had begun again.

Today, Phil and I had talked about going hopefully we will do that. Enjoy your day and say some prayers that I'll be able to keep my head above water with this course!

Friday, January 05, 2007

What's New?

Well, nothing really! I just got back from paying my tuition to USF so I'm poor again! Just when I thought I could see the light after the Christmas shopping extravaganza...Oh well...I am working on my education right-I'm a student again and that means I'll be poor for a while. Good thing I have an ID card now and I can get in at the movies cheaper-that is if I can still afford the price-and other discounts.

On another note, there are only 2 1/2 days left of my vacation. AGH!!!! I'm not sure I'll be able to get back into the sleep routine-staying up until 12:30am and getting up at 10:00am is really starting to sink in. I know Peanut will not be ready for me to be off the couch and gone all day.

Resolutions: I have never been one to making and sticking to a resolution, but this year I have a few things I want to work towards so here goes...I'm telling you in hopes that you'll keep me on track...

1. I want to lose at least one size and a few inches and a few pounds before the cruise in early here's how I'll do that...I just bought a pedometer and plan on taking more steps than the day before. I'm also going to eat smaller portions. I had to quit the gym since I was just giving them my money every month with me not showing up, plus I'll have a cheaper gym through USF if I choose to go.

2. Budget my money better. It seems that every year I say this, but this year, with going back to school, I really need do here's how I'll do that...I am not going to go to Ann Taylor to buy clothes just because they send me a coupon every month or so. I'm going to check my account on a more regular basis so I'm more aware of how much I have in there. I'm going to put money aside for the cruise and only spend what I bring.

I think that's it for now. Now if I stray once or twice, I'll just get back on track. Wish me luck!
Now time to put some Christmas decorations away and take a nap...maybe not in that order.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hard to believe that it is a new year! I hope you all had a great night. We had a nice time. Today Phil and I went to the Outback Bowl and it was sure a wet day. It was still a good game and Phil's team won-Penn State-so that was good!
We were both very tired so nap time after the game was great!
Now just one more week left until I go back to work, so I plan on enjoying it by doing nothing. Oh and I'll take Peanut to the dog park too.

There's a quiz on the right side-take it and see how well you know me.