Wednesday, March 14, 2007

UGH!!! SHE IS A BI#%@!!!!!!

Well, last night I went to bed a little after 10pm and around 10:30 I am just getting relaxed when I hear hammering noises coming from above yet again...I wait and try to will them to stop. But nooooo! They keep doing it and then start moving around furniture too! So I recall from a conversation that I had with the prez that the next time I have a problem with them to speak to them in a calm manner....ok Amy, take a deep breath!!! So I get out of bed, take some deep breaths so I am calm and knock on their door. The *&%$# answers the door and I (very calmly) say I am trying to work with you guys on the floor thing, but the tapping and moving of furniture has got to stop. She proceeds to call me every name in the book, well mostly that I am now the BI*&% and she threw in the f bomb and told me that she was f-ing tired of me being a b*&%$. I said (trying once again to remain calm) it is not the time to be making these noises. Again a few more lovely words came out of my mouth so seeing no resolution coming I tell her that I will be talking to the prez and she tells me go ahead you f-ing b&#$%! Then slams the door in my face....I proceeded to call her one back before she slammed it. I just cannot believe how RUDE she is and what a BI&*% she is. I was trying to be neighborly and ask them to stop so that I could sleep but, wow-she really showed her ugly side-(she is too.)

I have decided that I need to talk to the guy-the only one on the lease-and again be calm and see that these noises not occur during sleep hours... Keep in mind this is now the 2nd time they have done this and the first time, the prez talked to them...
Now they are just blatantly disregarding the rules that they agreed to live by.

I don't know how much longer I can remain calm about this!!!!!!!


Michele L from Tampa said...

Man I can so relate! So sorry to hear about your issues with them! They just do not have a clue that not everythine is up at all hours!

Kip said...

Shit, she isn't on the lease and has no right to be saying jack shit. I'm afraid I might have thrown a little doggie poo in her face, lol! Talk to the PREZ!

Kip said...

I also would have called the Prez myself right then and there and said, Look- you go deal with them.