Saturday, December 16, 2006

Remember me?!

I know-I haven't been on here in a while. So what have I been up to?

Nothing really! But I did finish my mom's album of her favorite song-What a Wonderful World. I will post pictures later. I am soo happy to be finished with that album but will be sad to see it go as I want to show it off more. Maybe mom will let me borrow it...hehe...

So I have a total of one gift purchased for Christmas and many more to go! I better get busy!

I have been officially accepted into USF's Masters in Early Childhood program. I got an email last week from the program, but had to wait until the University notified me of their decision-and I just got it last night, so now I need to call next week and see what classes I can take starting in January.

I only have 4 days of school next week and I can not wait!!!!! I need to take a break from some of my darling 5/6 year olds AND their parents! Anyway...look for pictures of the album maybe tomorrow. I showed it off at school yesterday and had some people in tears. I wonder how my mom will react.

Today is a busy day-Family Christmas party-which I have no gift for yet, Patrick's 19th birthday-again no gift yet, a Graduation party for my intern from last year-once again, no gift, and ohh take pictures of the album. Better go get busy!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your acceptance....back to school ya go! Can't wait to hear how your Mom likes the album. She'll be thrilled I am sure...have the camera ready.


Let me know about next week. We can go to that place on the water..ya know the one?

Kate G said...

the scrapbookers have always intrigued me. there's something about little pieces of brightly colored paper in coordinated arrangement that draws the attention of any red blooded teacher but i, personally just can't devote that much time to pictures. the moment that the picture was taken happened. it is over. i like to look at it occationally but spending 5 hours to place it in a book that looks better than the picture ever did just doesn't strike my fancy. i love to look at these magnificent creations, but in the grand scheme of things, making one falls somewhere around cleaning my oven - like a chore! Bless you for sharing your gift of ambition with your mom & the world. love to see one sometime!!! i'm right around the corner.