Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sunday evening

Peanut is already asleep in my lap and I should be doing homework but instead I'm watching TV-Extreme Home Makeover and anxiously awaiting Desperate Housewives!
House update:Phil and I are going forward with the process and if we don't get that house-which chances are probably not-we are going to start looking for a house. Tonight the stomping has been loud!

So this week is Valentine's Day and I bought my sweetie a gift card to Bass Pro Shop. Since I was in Orlando today for my friend Heather's shower brunch-it was very nice Lisa-I told him to tell me something he wanted but his all day fishing on Saturday was exhausting and he was out before 8:30pm, so a gift card it is! I'm also going to go to this really yummy Chocolate shop downtown and pick up some treats.
Ok-time to work on my homework.

Yes- Jules you will be invited and you too Robin!
And no he didn't catch any fish-so we had cheeseburgers instead.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm here, Amy! Glad to hear that you are moving forward on the house. Good to see you on sunday! See you at the bachelorette party (I hope).