Thursday, October 05, 2006

Off to crown a King!

Hopefully my brother! He is a senior this year and is on Homecoming court. Tonight they crown the king...don't worry-mom, dad and myself will be there with cowbells, whistles, noisemakers, video cameras, digital cameras, pom poms, megaphones, etc. anxiously awaiting the announcement of King!

Will he be chosen? Did his peers pick him? Keeping all body parts crossed!!! How cool would that be?!!!!

Joking about the cowbells and other items, but we sure will be there with the cameras. My brother tried to tell my mom that tonight isn't really the night that parents are supposed to come-It's kinda like a pep rally. She said "yeah right-there will be tons of moms and families there awaiting the announcement of Queen, so we'll be there too." So I'll talk to you later and hopefully have some happy news!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... it's 9:00pm. Is he King??

Let us feet, arms, fingers and such are crossed and asleep.
