Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Resting comfortably...

Peanut is resting on her bed. She looks sooo much better that the last time she had surgery!! No drains this time, but staples across most of her back. She came home and actually ran in the house. She has barked a few times too, but I think that must hurt, because after the first bark, the second bark gets much weaker.

She has a few days of pain pills and will have a recheck in about a week to get the staples out.

We are planning on sleeping on the floor tonight. Not really looking forward to that, but I'm afraid between Phil and I we may roll over wrong and hurt her. Once Phil leaves for work tomorrow we will be jumping on the bed. I've taken 2 days off work to make sure she is ok. Oh and he is going away for the weekend, so we can have the bed to ourselves this weekend.

I wanted to go scrapbooking for a few hours this weekend and I still may, but I need to see how she is doing on Friday. I stopped at Blockbuster before I picked her up and got a few movies to keep me busy. I also have some books. I know I could work on the wedding stuff, but there isn't anything I can do right now. We had a little bit of luck dress shopping on Sunday. We found one dress that would be perfect, but it didn't come in brown. Big Bummer!!

Well, thanks for your well wishes for Peanut. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Robin said...