Monday, August 14, 2006


That's me! I have been crazy busy getting back into the groove of teaching...
So here's what I've been up to:

You all know my furniture arrived and I love it!
Next I turned 31...had a good time...
Then school started the next day...don't worry-I partied that weekend of my birthday, not the night before school started.
Then I had to say goodbye to my little brother...he's 18 and left for college the day after my birthday. It was a very sad day. School started and then he left that night.
He's going to the University of North Florida and is on the soccer team. I just sent his first care package, full of goodies! Well, then got word from my mom that the coach had to make some cuts. 10 cuts to be exact. Well he's still on the team, and now the coach has to make 2 more cuts. He is really nervous but said he has been practicing really hard and has been the only one scoring goals during keep you fingers crossed that he gets to stay on the team.
So that brings us to today. I put my clothes in the car to go to the gym after work...Did I go? No-had to go to the Post office to mail his package and now I'm going to go work on Open House stuff for tomorrow. So that's been my life. Boring.

Still Loving my couch!

1 comment:

eljay716 said...

It is not boring!! I love reading your blog. Fingers are crossed for your brother, happy late birthday!!