Friday, June 30, 2006

I'm a Rich Girl!

I got paid today-and it was so nice to look at my account too! If only it would stay like that! It should be gone by, oh.............Friday! Only kidding, maybe only 1/2 of it will be gone, the rest will be gone by the next Friday! :) Well, today is Friday and unlike the rest of the working world, I have a 2 day weekend. I have to go back on Monday, off Tuesday and back on Wednesday. Stinks! But, hey it's Friday so I'll live with that right now. In a few minutes, I'll be heading out to meet a friend for dinner and then drinks at a new tavern near my house in a cute neighborhood. I'm excited as I haven't been there before-well, I take that back, it used to be a Yoga studio and I went one time with Caroline but now it's a bar. I'll let you know how it is, and I'll have some for you! The babysitting went well, I didn't have to call his parents, hehe, or put him to bed early. I think he stayed up and watched TV for a while-I went to bed. Oh and Peanut actually let him pet her without putting her tail under and running away! I was so impressed! She still barked at him but it's progress. She'll be getting shots tomorrow and then I'll be getting my hair done, a manicure and a pedicure, and my eyebrows done. I am sooo excited! It's my spa day! Also planning on going to look for a couch too sometime this weekend. You know I do have $$$ burning a whole in my account so I really should put it to good use. Not sure when I'll go, but that's what I am hoping to do. Ok I gotta take Peanut out and I'm getting thirsty! Have a great Friday and weekend!

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