Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Peanut's Lifesaver!

This is Dr. Kern. She is the vet that has been primarily taking care of her. She told me the day after her surgery that she was worried all night about Peanut and called the vet in the middle on the night to check on her. I just think she is great! She is very upfront with things and I like that-knowing what might happen lets me not have such a shock if/when it happens. (Like her pneumonia and the hole in her lung)
We had our vet appt tonight to get her staples and drains out. She looks so much better already! There will be a little more draining and she has some open wounds that will heal in time, but I can handle that! Like I said before, Peanut is not out of the woods just yet. We are still to take it easy and that's fine by me. She hasn't had her toys yet, and I think I'll keep those away for at least the next month...her ribs need 2 months to be sure they are healed so I think until then, we will be doing a lot of lounging! Like I said, I don't mind! So if you are in the neighborhood, we are welcome for visitors!! Better yet, I'm ready to get out of the house for some adult time!!
We brought the vet staff some cookies and brownies tonight along with a card and picture of Peanut. They thought it was very nice, but it's the least I could do for their care and devotion for my girl! I know they will be getting my money-well not mine, eventually the other dog owner's money-but I know how it feels to know that you are appreciated!
Besides, everytime we walk into the vet, they know Peanut by name!!
She's sleeping right now and looks so peaceful! To know that 2 weeks ago, her life was in jeopardy is just baffling. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and this will all have been a really bad dream!

1 comment:

:Jayne said...

I'm so glad to hear Peanut is healing so well! Take it easy, spoil her rotten, okay rottener!
