Thursday, June 05, 2008


-to the kids...last day was Tuesday. It was a nice day. I'm excited to meet my kids for next year as this group gave me a few headaches along the way. I have rearranged my room and even have things copied for the new year. My teammates were so kind-they gave me a gift card to the movies and a way to go card since I had a rough group and it was my first year at the school with lots of new expectations to learn, understand and enforce.

-to my has officially run out of energy to go any further. The transmission is shot and I'm not going to put $1000 into a 10 year old car. I told Phil I am alright with not having a car for the summer and just using his when I need to do things. We may decide to get a new (or new to me) car though.

-so I guess I need to cancel my auto insurance?! Hmm...more money into the wedding fund!!

We're having a shower for Laura on Saturday at Kip's so tomorrow I'll be looking for a gift and getting the food I'm supposed to bring.

Oh and on the wedding front-we get to pick up my band tomorrow afternoon!!!

That's it. Been reading, and doing classwork for my 2 master's classes...ugh!

1 comment:

Robin said...

Just think, next year they're gonna be calling you Mrs. Mathews, cool uh?

Let me know if you need a ride somewhere. :-)Robin