Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I am on a roll...

And it's not even 9:45 yet!
This morning Peanut and I were dumping her garbage from her walk :) and we found a wallet in the alley. I picked it up and looked to see who the owner was...then decided to call the police so they can drop it off to the owner since he didn't live in the safest of neighborhoods. Since I had to wait for the officer to pick it up, I decided not to go back to sleep but rather start laundry...then washed the dishes, loaded the trunk of my car with things to take to the shelter, and just now dismantled my old computer in the back room to take to the dump...it is no longer working so is of no use to a school or shelter...so off to the dump we will go...

But I realized that my wireless router needed to connect to something for my laptop to work...uh oh! Don't tell me I need to reconnect the computer and now will have to keep it! UGH!!! Well, I checked out the cords and I don't need to keep it!!! YIPPEE!!! It works and I thought I'd blog to test it out too.

So, now I'm headed to the shower, and off to the dump and shelter to unload my car! I feel so free of the junk!!! I'm also taking a TV that no longer works to the dump so I am cleaning house!! When I'm done, I need to head up to my mom's to drop off part of her birthday present-a large plant. When I'm done, I'm planning on doing my homework and take a nap!

Oh-by the way-I LOVE MY NEW SCHOOL AND PRINCIPAL!!! More about that later!

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