Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This weekend I noticed that Peanut started getting another abscess in the same spot as usual. My heart just sank knowing that surgery was coming. I waited until this morning to call the vet in case I was dreaming it was there. We had to see a different vet since the one that operated on Peanut is off until Friday. He said surgery is inevitable. He recommended getting a CT scan to see what it is that's not draining fully. That has to be done at a vet specialist office. They gave me the numbers and sent me on my way with some antibiotics to stop the infection. As soon as I got in the car I called and got an appointment for tomorrow morning for a consultation with a surgeon. At that time the surgeon will evaluate Peanut and decide the course of action to be done. I plan on getting the estimate and then...

once we leave there, I have to go to mediation with my attorney and the pit bull's owner. I sure hope he steps up and takes some responsibility for this. The bills keep adding up. I'll bring the estimate along and tack it to the total bill!

Please pray for Peanut and I to make it through this. My hope is to have this debt paid off, and have many more years with my girl, Peanut! Most especially the latter of the 2!!


Robin said...

Prayers for sure! :-)It was not fair that you and Peanut have to deal with this and then on top of it all, dealing with the vet bill issue. I really hope this mediation person can do what it takes!


Kip said...

ah, poor baby! I know she'll do fine but I'm sure you're worried. We missed you tonight but glad you lost this week too! Good luck at mediation too!