Monday, April 28, 2008

One Word

I got this from my friend on Myspace...
Not as easy as you might think.
It's really hard to only use one word answers.

1. Where is your cell phone? ..............couch
2. Your significant other?..................Phil
3. Your hair? ..........................................ponytail
4. Your mother? .....................................kind
5. Your father?........................................(for me I'll answer step dad) great
6. Your favorite thing?............................beach
7. Your dream last night?........................none
8. Your favorite drink? .......................water
9. Your dream/goal?...............................healhy
10. The room you're in?
11. Your ex?..........................................alcoholic
12. Your fear?..........................................attack
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years......motherhood
14. Where were you last night?..............home
15. What you're not?.................................slim
16. Muffins?...........................................chocolate chip
17. One of your wish list items?.............debt free
18. Where you grew up?
19. The last thing you did?.......................myspace
20. What are you wearing?...................... clothes
21. Your TV?..............................................on
22. Your pets?............................................ Peanut
23. Your computer? .................................essential
24. Your life?.............................................crazy
25. Your mood?..........................................blah
26. Missing someone?..............................nope
27. Your car?............................................old
28. Something you're not wearing?
29. Favorite Store?...............................Ann Taylor
30. Your summer?....................................lounging
31. Like someone?....................................sure
32. Your favorite color?

Ok, so I didn't use 1 word for some, but I did for most of them. Now you try!

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