I hope each of you have a safe evening!
Michele tagged me for and end of the year Challenge...
What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before? a few things-went back to school to start on my masters, hired an attorney
Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? didn't make a resolution but have one in mind for 2008-recycle more things and ride my bike 4-5 times a week
Did anyone close to you give birth? yes-my uncle's wife, on Christmas day, but she was delivered early, at 28 weeks, so she's in the NICU until March. My cousin's name is Allston Cross so keep her in your prayers
Did anyone close to you die? not close to me, but a volunteer from my school passed away and Phil's great uncle died just the other day
What countries did you visit? Bahamas
What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? a new car
What was your biggest achievement of the year? going back to school for my masters and moving schools (really leaving my comfort zone!!)
What was your biggest failure? gaining weight
Did you suffer illness or injury? just a minor one compared to Peanut's wounds
What was the best thing you bought? a new switch to keep my AC running
Whose behavior merited celebration? not sure
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? not sure
Where did most of your money go? Peanut's bills, daily living bills, and clothes!!
What did you get really, really, really excited about? Ummm....getting engaged!!!!
Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, richer, nicer. don't know
What do you wish you'd done more of? gone to crops
What was your favorite TV program? Desperate Housewives and Reality Shows-Amazing Race, Biggest Loser, Big Brother...
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? no hating
What was the best book you read this year? still reading it-The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks
What did you want and get? a Diamond Ring!!!!
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 32 and got engaged!!!! First I went to Kip's for a pool party, then out to dinner with Phil and then to the beach where he proposed!!
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? By far-not having to deal with a pit bull attack!!
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007? comfy lounge pants, no bra, t-shirt and no shoes and hair in a pony tail
What political issue stirred you the most? don't know
Who did you miss? no one
Who was the best new person (people) you met? my new staff-they are wonderful!
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007. Take chances, no matter how scary it may be!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Don't Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle!
Only 1 more day! Are you ready? I am! Is your shopping finished? Yep! Are the presents wrapped? Sure are!

I am so glad to be on vacation. I was starting to really stress out last week...just too much to do and too close to Christmas! But time for some rest.
This is a picture of my girl-I put this on my Christmas cards. Isn't she precious?! She hated every minute of it!
This was at the beginning of the photo shoot...
Now this one is towards the end...
So today we are off to have our family Christmas Eve lunch with my mom, Bill and brothers. My parents wanted to start a tradition for our family so that's what they came up with. We go to Bennagin's. Later on today, we are headed to Grandma's for her Open House. We have Oyster Stew, finger foods, and get to open Grandma's present! Tomorrow we will go to my mom's for Christmas day dinner. Pretty busy time!!
Hope you have a Wonderful Christmas!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Tagged by Robin...
1. What one person has most inspired you in your career? I think my mom since she is a teacher and I always wanted to be a teacher.
2. If money were not an issue, where would you live? I'd have a home in Florida on the water-west coast and a home in the mountains with a wonderful view.
3. What is the best advice you ever received? If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. AND You get what you get and you don't throw a fit-got that from former student and use it all the time with my kids.
4. What is your favorite time of the day? I like crawling into my bed and curling up with Peanut.
5. What is the best invention since sliced bread? not sure-maybe the microwave, ceiling fan, computer, digital camera...lots!
6. Not including family or friends, the top three things you’re thankful for? I am thankful to have a career that I love, the opportunity to further my education and that I own my home.
7. If you had that mobile phone service, who would be in your top five (Which five people do you talk to on the phone the most)? Phil, my mom, Phil, my mom, oh already said them, umm...grandma...that's it really-everyone else I text.
8 What things need to happen for you to have a good day? Wake up
9. What is your favorite every day outfit? shorts, t-shirt (no bra-I know TMI) and no shoes or flip flops
10. When you are alone in the car, what do you do? sing
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Nissan Sentra
12. What one person, whom you have never met, do you wish you could have lunch with? My mom's dad
13. What is the one part of your body that you like the most? my hair, eyes
14. What song, playing on the radio currently, is your favorite to hear? Bubbly
15. What is the one piece of advice that you wish you could give someone? Don't know...
16. What are you looking forward to right now? Getting married
17. What are the TV shows you watch every week, and hate to miss? Desperate Housewives, Amazing Race, Biggest Loser
18. What is the dinner that your family eats once a week? chicken
19. If you just won $100,000, what would you use the money for? down payment for a house, pay off my debt, and the rest for the wedding/honeymoon.
20. Name one random fact about you that you think most people do not know. My hands shake a lot.
2. If money were not an issue, where would you live? I'd have a home in Florida on the water-west coast and a home in the mountains with a wonderful view.
3. What is the best advice you ever received? If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. AND You get what you get and you don't throw a fit-got that from former student and use it all the time with my kids.
4. What is your favorite time of the day? I like crawling into my bed and curling up with Peanut.
5. What is the best invention since sliced bread? not sure-maybe the microwave, ceiling fan, computer, digital camera...lots!
6. Not including family or friends, the top three things you’re thankful for? I am thankful to have a career that I love, the opportunity to further my education and that I own my home.
7. If you had that mobile phone service, who would be in your top five (Which five people do you talk to on the phone the most)? Phil, my mom, Phil, my mom, oh already said them, umm...grandma...that's it really-everyone else I text.
8 What things need to happen for you to have a good day? Wake up
9. What is your favorite every day outfit? shorts, t-shirt (no bra-I know TMI) and no shoes or flip flops
10. When you are alone in the car, what do you do? sing
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Nissan Sentra
12. What one person, whom you have never met, do you wish you could have lunch with? My mom's dad
13. What is the one part of your body that you like the most? my hair, eyes
14. What song, playing on the radio currently, is your favorite to hear? Bubbly
15. What is the one piece of advice that you wish you could give someone? Don't know...
16. What are you looking forward to right now? Getting married
17. What are the TV shows you watch every week, and hate to miss? Desperate Housewives, Amazing Race, Biggest Loser
18. What is the dinner that your family eats once a week? chicken
19. If you just won $100,000, what would you use the money for? down payment for a house, pay off my debt, and the rest for the wedding/honeymoon.
20. Name one random fact about you that you think most people do not know. My hands shake a lot.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
I've been tagged!
Michele tagged me so here goes...
1. Colored lights or white lights on your house or not at all? no lights on my house-live in a condo, colored on my tree
2. Hot chocolate or Egg Nog? hot chocolate
3. What's your favorite holiday dish? don't have a favorite
4. Does Santa wrap the presents or just sit them under the tree? definately wrapped!!
5. Do you hang mistletoe? no
6. When do you put up your decorations? whenever the mood strikes and when there's money to buy a tree...no tree yet...
7. What's your favorite holiday tradition? everything...love it all!
8. What's on the top of your tree? there will be an angel
9. Do you have a nativity displayed through the holidays? I have one...need to get it out this year
10.Candy Canes, traditional or flavored? Or Chocolate Covered Cherries? actually none of them...but if I had to...it'd be flavored candy canes
11.What's your favorite holiday goodie to make and share? Reese's fudge
12.What's your favorite Christmas song? The First Noel
13.When did you learn the truth about the "magic" of Christmas? I don't remember how old I was, but I do remember recognizing Santa's handwriting...I wasn't crushed though!
14.Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes at Grandma's
15.Is there a special ornament or Christmas decoration that you wouldn't feel like Christmas without? My christmas tree skirt that Grandma made for me when I first got my place. Also my stocking that my other Grandma made for me. Oh and every year my mom gets me (and my brothers) an ornament. I have started doing this with Phil and hope to continue when we have a family.
16.Do you take neighbor gifts/treats to anyone, everyone, a select few? Some people, usually my volunteers in class, and this year my teammates.
17.Is your big meal on Christmas Eve, Christmas morning or Christmas afternoon? Well, lets see...we all (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma, etc) get together on a Saturday or Sunday before Christmas, then Grandma has everyone over for Christmas Eve (we have Oyster Stew and open her gifts), then my mom has us up for Christmas day along with some other family members...so that's 3 big meals!
18.How do you decorate your tree? lights, ornaments from my childhood, new ornaments, etc.
19.Snow? Love it? Dread it? Tolerate it? LOVE IT!!! Just don't want to live in it! Visiting it is fine and would love to go skiing soon!!!
20.Do you remember a favorite gift? All of them!
21.Do you have a family get-together during the holidays with extended family? YEP-see above!
22.What's the most important thing that you must do each Christmas season? make my Christmas cards
23.Do you bake Christmas cookies? yep
24.Do you leave cookies and milk for Santa? no, but hope to when we have a family
25.What's your favorite Christmas memory? Can't pick just one so every Christmas was memorable!
I don't think there are any others left to tag so...if you want to pass this along in an email to others feel free!
Merry Christmas!
1. Colored lights or white lights on your house or not at all? no lights on my house-live in a condo, colored on my tree
2. Hot chocolate or Egg Nog? hot chocolate
3. What's your favorite holiday dish? don't have a favorite
4. Does Santa wrap the presents or just sit them under the tree? definately wrapped!!
5. Do you hang mistletoe? no
6. When do you put up your decorations? whenever the mood strikes and when there's money to buy a tree...no tree yet...
7. What's your favorite holiday tradition? everything...love it all!
8. What's on the top of your tree? there will be an angel
9. Do you have a nativity displayed through the holidays? I have one...need to get it out this year
10.Candy Canes, traditional or flavored? Or Chocolate Covered Cherries? actually none of them...but if I had to...it'd be flavored candy canes
11.What's your favorite holiday goodie to make and share? Reese's fudge
12.What's your favorite Christmas song? The First Noel
13.When did you learn the truth about the "magic" of Christmas? I don't remember how old I was, but I do remember recognizing Santa's handwriting...I wasn't crushed though!
14.Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Yes at Grandma's
15.Is there a special ornament or Christmas decoration that you wouldn't feel like Christmas without? My christmas tree skirt that Grandma made for me when I first got my place. Also my stocking that my other Grandma made for me. Oh and every year my mom gets me (and my brothers) an ornament. I have started doing this with Phil and hope to continue when we have a family.
16.Do you take neighbor gifts/treats to anyone, everyone, a select few? Some people, usually my volunteers in class, and this year my teammates.
17.Is your big meal on Christmas Eve, Christmas morning or Christmas afternoon? Well, lets see...we all (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandma, etc) get together on a Saturday or Sunday before Christmas, then Grandma has everyone over for Christmas Eve (we have Oyster Stew and open her gifts), then my mom has us up for Christmas day along with some other family members...so that's 3 big meals!
18.How do you decorate your tree? lights, ornaments from my childhood, new ornaments, etc.
19.Snow? Love it? Dread it? Tolerate it? LOVE IT!!! Just don't want to live in it! Visiting it is fine and would love to go skiing soon!!!
20.Do you remember a favorite gift? All of them!
21.Do you have a family get-together during the holidays with extended family? YEP-see above!
22.What's the most important thing that you must do each Christmas season? make my Christmas cards
23.Do you bake Christmas cookies? yep
24.Do you leave cookies and milk for Santa? no, but hope to when we have a family
25.What's your favorite Christmas memory? Can't pick just one so every Christmas was memorable!
I don't think there are any others left to tag so...if you want to pass this along in an email to others feel free!
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Too Funny!
I got up this morning and got ready for work. After getting ready I got Peanut off the bed to take her outside for a quick walk. I always carry her to the door, put her down and get her leash on. Well, this morning when I put her down, she took off for the bedroom. She hid under the bed. I think she thought I would be taking her for another long walk! I didn't bother getting her out from under there and just left out the puppy pad.
We took this afternoon off from walking as I was on the phone with Animal Control. They are still trying to serve the owner of the pitt a notice and fine him. He won't answer the door or return their calls. He's a real a**hole!!!
Anyway, I'll be back on the walking track tomorrow, but will leave Peanut at home. :-)
We took this afternoon off from walking as I was on the phone with Animal Control. They are still trying to serve the owner of the pitt a notice and fine him. He won't answer the door or return their calls. He's a real a**hole!!!
Anyway, I'll be back on the walking track tomorrow, but will leave Peanut at home. :-)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Walking the weight off
That's what I am hoping to do. Yesterday I got up and went walking. I ended up at Kip's and then home 2 hours later. Later I drove what I walked and it was 4 miles. WOW! Then I ate Pizza and garlic knots. YUMMY!!! I know, I know...but at least I walked all that first!
Today I wore my pedometer and it broke mid day-it was on the fritz anyway...but after school I took Peanut for a walk. We didn't end up at Kip's but we ended up walking 3 miles...
Peanut was a little tired! She had to be carried some of the way. Along the way we found a tennis ball and Peanut was thrilled. She carried it some of the way and we played a little fetch while walking.
Now dinner is in the oven and she is still playing with that tennis ball. It was a long day today at school, but I'm glad to be getting back into the groove. My kids were pretty good today too and we got some assessments done today.
Tomorrow I think I'll leave Peanut at home and I'll go for that 3 mile walk again...oh and I'll have to go get a new pedometer too.
Today I wore my pedometer and it broke mid day-it was on the fritz anyway...but after school I took Peanut for a walk. We didn't end up at Kip's but we ended up walking 3 miles...
Peanut was a little tired! She had to be carried some of the way. Along the way we found a tennis ball and Peanut was thrilled. She carried it some of the way and we played a little fetch while walking.
Now dinner is in the oven and she is still playing with that tennis ball. It was a long day today at school, but I'm glad to be getting back into the groove. My kids were pretty good today too and we got some assessments done today.
Tomorrow I think I'll leave Peanut at home and I'll go for that 3 mile walk again...oh and I'll have to go get a new pedometer too.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope each of you have a great day tomorrow. Don't eat too much turkey and stuffing!
We are planning on going to my aunt's for my family's dinner at 1 and then to Phil's mom's at 3. My mom invited us up to her place afterwood but I don't think we will be able to move after 2 dinners. We shall see-but probably not as Phil is sick...he stayed home from work today and said he feels miserable. I may head over in a little while to watch a movie with him-maybe-don't want to get myself sick but want to take care of my sickie.
In the morning we are going to do the Turkey trot. It's become a family tradition now and I am planning to run/walk the 5k with Tim's help. Then we'll be walking with mom in the 1 mile fun run/walk. That should help work off one slice of turkey with gravy right?!
I've been enjoying this week as I have off. Sleeping in and staying up late-ok 11 is late for me since 10pm is my usual bed time.
Today I went to Evos for lunch with my grandma and my uncle from Texas. YUMMY!! I think I found my new favorite food!
I also scrapbooked a little today. I am still working on a mini album from my first cruise 2 years ago.
Peanut had doggie day spa tonight-bath and nail trim. She hates me now but I'm sure she'll get over it soon.
Phil just called so I'll head over and bring him some gatorade and icies.
We are planning on going to my aunt's for my family's dinner at 1 and then to Phil's mom's at 3. My mom invited us up to her place afterwood but I don't think we will be able to move after 2 dinners. We shall see-but probably not as Phil is sick...he stayed home from work today and said he feels miserable. I may head over in a little while to watch a movie with him-maybe-don't want to get myself sick but want to take care of my sickie.
In the morning we are going to do the Turkey trot. It's become a family tradition now and I am planning to run/walk the 5k with Tim's help. Then we'll be walking with mom in the 1 mile fun run/walk. That should help work off one slice of turkey with gravy right?!
I've been enjoying this week as I have off. Sleeping in and staying up late-ok 11 is late for me since 10pm is my usual bed time.
Today I went to Evos for lunch with my grandma and my uncle from Texas. YUMMY!! I think I found my new favorite food!
I also scrapbooked a little today. I am still working on a mini album from my first cruise 2 years ago.
Peanut had doggie day spa tonight-bath and nail trim. She hates me now but I'm sure she'll get over it soon.
Phil just called so I'll head over and bring him some gatorade and icies.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
On a Roll...
I have been hitting the pavement and walking! I have some weight to lose and some toning to do. You know we are nearly a year away from the big day but, never too early to start!
I walked one day last week and so far 2 days this week.
Anyway...I have a wedding/renewal of vows to go to this weekend. My cousin had a civil ceremony this summer and now is renewing her vows and having a reception. My uncle from Texas is coming for the wedding and staying through Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see him. He hasn't met Phil either so I'm glad he can meet him before we get married.
I am looking forward to the break. I'm hoping to go look at some dresses and get an idea of what's out there. I still love my job and my new school, but the kids are starting to wear on me! Today was the Teach In at school and the kids were crazy but we had some pretty good speakers. We even learned how to Hula Dance! We saw some really neat xrays and of course saw the firefighter put his gear on. It was a pretty good day-only 2 more to go!!!
I walked one day last week and so far 2 days this week.
Anyway...I have a wedding/renewal of vows to go to this weekend. My cousin had a civil ceremony this summer and now is renewing her vows and having a reception. My uncle from Texas is coming for the wedding and staying through Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see him. He hasn't met Phil either so I'm glad he can meet him before we get married.
I am looking forward to the break. I'm hoping to go look at some dresses and get an idea of what's out there.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Challenge Tag
I was tagged by Robin...
Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
1. A childhood Thanksgiving memory.
2. A family Thanksgiving tradtion.
3. Five things you're thankful for...besides family, friends and health. Give it some serious thought and be specific.
My childhood memory of Thanksgiving is always watching the Macy's Parade. I always liked seeing the balloons.
Our Family Traditions:
*Always getting together with everyone...and I mean everyone. We have a large family and I just love getting together on this holiday to see everyone.
*In recent years we have been walking/running in the Turkey Trot.
*While we are letting our dinner settle we plan out our shopping day for Black Friday. Last year was the first year I didn't go. Not sure about this year-I usually shop for myself on that day and with the wedding looming, I need to cut back on that.
Five Things I am Thankful for:
1. That the vets were able to repair my girl and give me more time to love her.
2. That I have a career and love what I am doing. I am thankful that I have switched schools and finally feel like I can teach.
3. That I own my home. I am so thankful that I am not renting and haven't been for over 6 years now.
4. That my Grandma is doing so much better now!
5. That I moved back to St. Pete after college. I was able to be a part of my brothers' lives and watch them grow up. I think we have become close because of this.
Now I tag Kip!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
1. A childhood Thanksgiving memory.
2. A family Thanksgiving tradtion.
3. Five things you're thankful for...besides family, friends and health. Give it some serious thought and be specific.
My childhood memory of Thanksgiving is always watching the Macy's Parade. I always liked seeing the balloons.
Our Family Traditions:
*Always getting together with everyone...and I mean everyone. We have a large family and I just love getting together on this holiday to see everyone.
*In recent years we have been walking/running in the Turkey Trot.
*While we are letting our dinner settle we plan out our shopping day for Black Friday. Last year was the first year I didn't go. Not sure about this year-I usually shop for myself on that day and with the wedding looming, I need to cut back on that.
Five Things I am Thankful for:
1. That the vets were able to repair my girl and give me more time to love her.
2. That I have a career and love what I am doing. I am thankful that I have switched schools and finally feel like I can teach.
3. That I own my home. I am so thankful that I am not renting and haven't been for over 6 years now.
4. That my Grandma is doing so much better now!
5. That I moved back to St. Pete after college. I was able to be a part of my brothers' lives and watch them grow up. I think we have become close because of this.
Now I tag Kip!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Let the Countdown begin!
We are a year away from the wedding. Next year at this time-(6:48pm) we will be celebrating! I am getting excited now-before it was so far away to really feel like it was real. Now I'm just smiling knowing that I'm getting married!!
Today was a rough day though. I got up and thought about it being a year away only to get on the scale and see that I am at my heaviest. AGH!!! Time for the diet to begin! \
Then my kids were just rotten today at school! I had one kid tell another "You are an a%%hole." OMG! I couldn't believe my ears. Then he threw a stick at another child! In the meantime I had another kid tell some others to "shut up." Yes-I know that is nothing major so I asked him to come over to me and he wouldn't get up-was just going talk to him and tell him that wasn't nice. Then he started throwing mulch at the other kids. AGH!! I had to practically drag him back to the class for him to start kicking the charts and knocking them over when we got in the class. I tell you I was quite over them!!!
The rest of the day went ok. I got home with the idea of going for a walk...well I had a parent call me-she does this often-I don't answer her calls. Well she left a message this time regarding her daughter's jacket being lost and that it wasn't at her afterschool care so they wanted to go in my room after school but since I wasn't there they wouldn't open the door for her. So she wants to know if it's in the room or if it was stolen or lost and informed me that she would be there in the morning to look for it. She drops off her daughter at 7:30...well tomorrow I'll be at breakfast with some friends at that time so good luck getting in lady!!
She is a pain! She calls me for no reason-and no I didn't give her my number. I made the mistake of calling her from my cell phone and she decided to keep my number. She calls me to know what she can do for reading, that she feels she is falling behind (she is reading and writing just fine!), that she forgot her folder at school, and now to tell me about her jacket. Tomorrow I will be letting her know to not call me at home anymore unless it is an emergency such as her daughter being in the hospital and not just for a cold or broken bones. I will also inform her that I remind the children to get their belongings before leaving for the day and if her daughter forgets something then she will have to wait until school starts the next day to get it. If it's her jacket then when she's cold tomorrow she'll remember to take it home won't she.
OK-enough venting!!! I did take my walk-3 miles! I need to keep up with that so I can drop some of this weight. We'll be going dress shopping soon and I can't wait!!!
Take care all! I'll keep you posted on any wedding plans as they arise!
Today was a rough day though. I got up and thought about it being a year away only to get on the scale and see that I am at my heaviest. AGH!!! Time for the diet to begin! \
Then my kids were just rotten today at school! I had one kid tell another "You are an a%%hole." OMG! I couldn't believe my ears. Then he threw a stick at another child! In the meantime I had another kid tell some others to "shut up." Yes-I know that is nothing major so I asked him to come over to me and he wouldn't get up-was just going talk to him and tell him that wasn't nice. Then he started throwing mulch at the other kids. AGH!! I had to practically drag him back to the class for him to start kicking the charts and knocking them over when we got in the class. I tell you I was quite over them!!!
The rest of the day went ok. I got home with the idea of going for a walk...well I had a parent call me-she does this often-I don't answer her calls. Well she left a message this time regarding her daughter's jacket being lost and that it wasn't at her afterschool care so they wanted to go in my room after school but since I wasn't there they wouldn't open the door for her. So she wants to know if it's in the room or if it was stolen or lost and informed me that she would be there in the morning to look for it. She drops off her daughter at 7:30...well tomorrow I'll be at breakfast with some friends at that time so good luck getting in lady!!
She is a pain! She calls me for no reason-and no I didn't give her my number. I made the mistake of calling her from my cell phone and she decided to keep my number. She calls me to know what she can do for reading, that she feels she is falling behind (she is reading and writing just fine!), that she forgot her folder at school, and now to tell me about her jacket. Tomorrow I will be letting her know to not call me at home anymore unless it is an emergency such as her daughter being in the hospital and not just for a cold or broken bones. I will also inform her that I remind the children to get their belongings before leaving for the day and if her daughter forgets something then she will have to wait until school starts the next day to get it. If it's her jacket then when she's cold tomorrow she'll remember to take it home won't she.
OK-enough venting!!! I did take my walk-3 miles! I need to keep up with that so I can drop some of this weight. We'll be going dress shopping soon and I can't wait!!!
Take care all! I'll keep you posted on any wedding plans as they arise!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Warning-Graphic pics below...
I finally sent away the paperwork to have the pitbull classified as a dangerous dog...
I know it took me a while-but I really didn't want to have to relive that day and remember her yelps.
I had to include pictures with the report and they just brought back a ton of memories.
I just wish he would pay the bills. I can't take the fact that I am sitting here in debt while he is just living life as it should be. I would love to have that extra money to pay off other bills, pay for the wedding, etc. Let alone have her live pain free and without anxiety. I know the day will come when he will pay off my debt, but in the meantime when I hear the dog bark it makes my skin crawl. My neighbors told me that the dog got out last weekend. It's gonna happen again and I pray that whatever dog it is makes it out alive like Peanut.
Her abscess is healing nicely and she's almost finished with her medicine. I'll leave you with one of my favorite pictures of her. Isn't she precious?! I love her!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Catching up...
Last week was a short week of school as we had Friday off. I had a great time at a scrapbooking class with Robin on Thursday night. It was nice to scrapbook! I haven't done that in a while. Robin is trying to talk me into going to a Winter Scrapbooking Retreat with the scrapbooking gals, but with the wedding approaching, every penny is spoken for. I told her I'd have to talk to my banker-aka Phil-to see if I could go.
I love my school and but had a tough day on Thursday. I had to write a referral for a child and it breaks my heart. I know I had to do it, but it's still hard to do.
Friday I spent time working in my room to get a little more organized. It was nice to have that time to do it. I think there was only one other teacher at the school that day. I left around noon to take Peanut to the vet for a follow up for her abscess.
Seems as though she is healing fine where her abscess is, however she still is draining in one spot and the vet thinks she may always have that as an issue. I just have to keep it clean and dry so she doesn't get an infection...but she also said she may get an abscess every once in a while...hmm. I'll just keep adding that to the pit bull owners bill!!!
Saturday night we went out with some friends downtown and today spent some time watching football. Tonight I need to get ready for the coming week. I start conferences this week and have 2 on Monday. Another cool thing about my school is the secretary schedules all the conferences!! Can you believe it?! WOW!! She just asks what days, or times don't work for us during conference week and works around them. She even asks others to attend if I need them there-like Speech, or Guidance, etc...
Well, nothing new on the wedding plans. Just puttering along. I'll have to put up a link to the reception cite so you all can see pics.
I love my school and but had a tough day on Thursday. I had to write a referral for a child and it breaks my heart. I know I had to do it, but it's still hard to do.
Friday I spent time working in my room to get a little more organized. It was nice to have that time to do it. I think there was only one other teacher at the school that day. I left around noon to take Peanut to the vet for a follow up for her abscess.
Seems as though she is healing fine where her abscess is, however she still is draining in one spot and the vet thinks she may always have that as an issue. I just have to keep it clean and dry so she doesn't get an infection...but she also said she may get an abscess every once in a while...hmm. I'll just keep adding that to the pit bull owners bill!!!
Saturday night we went out with some friends downtown and today spent some time watching football. Tonight I need to get ready for the coming week. I start conferences this week and have 2 on Monday. Another cool thing about my school is the secretary schedules all the conferences!! Can you believe it?! WOW!! She just asks what days, or times don't work for us during conference week and works around them. She even asks others to attend if I need them there-like Speech, or Guidance, etc...
Well, nothing new on the wedding plans. Just puttering along. I'll have to put up a link to the reception cite so you all can see pics.
Friday, October 12, 2007
2 in one week!
I know-can you believe it?!
Well...I have a lot to update you on.
First-We have a reception cite! YAY!!!! We are having the reception at the Heritage hotel in downtown St. Pete and we were given a pretty good deal since we are friends with the GM. So one thing to check off my list and about 100 more to go. Actually, I am relaxed now, knowing that the reception site is taken care of.
Second-Peanut had to go back to the vet this afternoon. She had this mass under her skin that was tough but had an indentation in it...I had just been keeping my eye on it as I figured it was scar tissue. Well, I got home from work this afternoon and her fur was matted there so I knew something was wrong. We went to the vet and it turns out to be an absess. So they cleaned it, and shaved that area and gave her some pain meds and antibiotics. I'm just hoping that is clears up and doesn't come back.
Third-I am getting a check from the dog owners insurance company to pay for my medical bills...not Peanut's. We are still going after the owner for that and for my pain and suffering too.
And Finally-GO KNIGHTS!!!!! UCF is plaing USF tomorrow and though I am a USF student, I have to root for the KNIGHTS!!! That's where I had all my college fun!
Well...I have a lot to update you on.
First-We have a reception cite! YAY!!!! We are having the reception at the Heritage hotel in downtown St. Pete and we were given a pretty good deal since we are friends with the GM. So one thing to check off my list and about 100 more to go. Actually, I am relaxed now, knowing that the reception site is taken care of.
Second-Peanut had to go back to the vet this afternoon. She had this mass under her skin that was tough but had an indentation in it...I had just been keeping my eye on it as I figured it was scar tissue. Well, I got home from work this afternoon and her fur was matted there so I knew something was wrong. We went to the vet and it turns out to be an absess. So they cleaned it, and shaved that area and gave her some pain meds and antibiotics. I'm just hoping that is clears up and doesn't come back.
Third-I am getting a check from the dog owners insurance company to pay for my medical bills...not Peanut's. We are still going after the owner for that and for my pain and suffering too.
And Finally-GO KNIGHTS!!!!! UCF is plaing USF tomorrow and though I am a USF student, I have to root for the KNIGHTS!!! That's where I had all my college fun!
Monday, October 08, 2007
I'm updating!
I've been harrassed by those who want to read more current things on my blog so here you go...
My grandma had triple bypass surgery 3 weeks ago and was in the hospital for 2 weeks due to some complications. She's better now, and we are all taking shifts to care for her. I'll be over there tomorrow night to give her dinner and get her ready for bed then I'll come home and rest. I'm glad everything worked out ok with her. She is a trooper and was off the ventalator within 3 hours of the surgery. I love her dearly and want her to be around to meet my children.
The wedding plans are slow going...I've put things off for a while now that we've changed the date and it's a ways away. I know time will fly but I was a little busy recently. I've called a place today that we are thinking of having the reception and am waiting to hear back from her.
On the school front, I love my job. Did I already tell you that? Well, in case you forgot I'll tell you again...I love my job. I have a room mom and she rocks! She notifies the parents of things we need in class, prints flyers, you name it-she does it.
Phil and I are doing great, except he keeps adding to our guest list and tells me that I'm the one that wants a big wedding...hmm...
By the way we have a wedding website, it's still in the works, but here's the link...
Stop by and see the site. I have to update it at school as my home computer doesn't like that I visit that site, so it will get updated when I have a few moments.
I guess that's it. Check back again in a month for another update... :-)
My grandma had triple bypass surgery 3 weeks ago and was in the hospital for 2 weeks due to some complications. She's better now, and we are all taking shifts to care for her. I'll be over there tomorrow night to give her dinner and get her ready for bed then I'll come home and rest. I'm glad everything worked out ok with her. She is a trooper and was off the ventalator within 3 hours of the surgery. I love her dearly and want her to be around to meet my children.
The wedding plans are slow going...I've put things off for a while now that we've changed the date and it's a ways away. I know time will fly but I was a little busy recently. I've called a place today that we are thinking of having the reception and am waiting to hear back from her.
On the school front, I love my job. Did I already tell you that? Well, in case you forgot I'll tell you again...I love my job. I have a room mom and she rocks! She notifies the parents of things we need in class, prints flyers, you name it-she does it.
Phil and I are doing great, except he keeps adding to our guest list and tells me that I'm the one that wants a big wedding...hmm...
By the way we have a wedding website, it's still in the works, but here's the link...
Stop by and see the site. I have to update it at school as my home computer doesn't like that I visit that site, so it will get updated when I have a few moments.
I guess that's it. Check back again in a month for another update... :-)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Don't save the date just yet...
We keep changing it!
First we were thinking December 2008. Then we switched it to March 29, 2008. And now we have moved it yet again! November 8, 2008. So there it is-but don't pencil it in just yet. You never know what can happen with us.
We sat down this morning and figured out our budget as we don't want to put anything on a credit card. So I'll be eating PB&J's for a while.
So here's some more things we have thought of to make our wedding complete:
Everyone that comes to our wedding/reception needs to bring everything-from their own fork to their own chair to their own music. Oh and we can't forget that they need to bring their own drink, their own party favor and of course they should bring us a gift too! What do you think?! We are thinking our wedding will be the best that anyone has ever attended! And if they want their picture taken they need to bring their own camera and make sure to send us copies!
Actually, we will have a nice wedding! I am not worried....yet. I would like to just get a place reserved before our date is taken and we have to move it for the 4th time!
First we were thinking December 2008. Then we switched it to March 29, 2008. And now we have moved it yet again! November 8, 2008. So there it is-but don't pencil it in just yet. You never know what can happen with us.
We sat down this morning and figured out our budget as we don't want to put anything on a credit card. So I'll be eating PB&J's for a while.
So here's some more things we have thought of to make our wedding complete:
Everyone that comes to our wedding/reception needs to bring everything-from their own fork to their own chair to their own music. Oh and we can't forget that they need to bring their own drink, their own party favor and of course they should bring us a gift too! What do you think?! We are thinking our wedding will be the best that anyone has ever attended! And if they want their picture taken they need to bring their own camera and make sure to send us copies!
Actually, we will have a nice wedding! I am not worried....yet. I would like to just get a place reserved before our date is taken and we have to move it for the 4th time!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The latest on the Wedding Planning...
So my Dear Fiance (add a little sarcasm here) doesn't like the places that I've picked for the reception and wants me to keep looking. Um...isn't he getting married too?! Anyway, he wants to just look in the phone book for a reception place...(more sarcasm here)...so I pull out the phone book and being a smart ass turn to "R" for Reception locations (I'm sure you know as well as I do that they don't have that category in the yellow pages). I tell him ohh, no, there isn't anything listed-now what? Well let's look under hotels....ok-there are over 200 hotels and some I have never heard of and have no idea where they are...so he says let's look this weekend. So we may not get married until 2010 at this rate. Did I tell you we moved the wedding date up to March 29, 2008. That way we can have Spring Break for a Honeymoon.
I was talking to Robin this morning about the woes of finding a reception place and she had a great idea!
We are going to get married right here in the garden where I live...all the guests can hang over the balconies, and afterwards the reception will be in my place, we will shuffle them in and only give them 10 minutes for each group of people to get their food, drinks, and cake...oh and charge for the bathroom-HAHA!!! (We are kidding, but you know I will be telling Phil these plans!!) I think these are the best yet!
On another note, I still love my school and my class so much! I miss everyone at BPE-ok not everyone, but most of them.
Say a prayer for my Grandma on Tuesday. She has to go in and have her arteries looked at as she's been having chest pain. So pray that everything looks good or if they do find something that they can fix it with no problems!
That's it-take care!
I was talking to Robin this morning about the woes of finding a reception place and she had a great idea!
We are going to get married right here in the garden where I live...all the guests can hang over the balconies, and afterwards the reception will be in my place, we will shuffle them in and only give them 10 minutes for each group of people to get their food, drinks, and cake...oh and charge for the bathroom-HAHA!!! (We are kidding, but you know I will be telling Phil these plans!!) I think these are the best yet!
On another note, I still love my school and my class so much! I miss everyone at BPE-ok not everyone, but most of them.
Say a prayer for my Grandma on Tuesday. She has to go in and have her arteries looked at as she's been having chest pain. So pray that everything looks good or if they do find something that they can fix it with no problems!
That's it-take care!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I LOVE....
* My new school!!!! Everyone is so nice, they do their job, they don't complain, and they are always willing to help.
* My new class!!!! They are sooo sweet! Even my little pistols are so sweet. And their parents-OMG-they are so very supportive. I had one little boy that was hysterical on the first day and he calmed down soon after I started reading a story. A couple hours later, he told me that he loved me. Hasn't cried since! I do have another boy that gets teary every few hours, but once I reassure him that we will be going home soon (even if the day just started) then he is fine until an hour later-when I reassure him again. I LOVE THEM!!!
* My Fiance!!!! We are so happy! Even Phil is getting into the wedding planning with me. He still picks up my hand and looks at my ring. Yesterday we were at a friend of his house and they hadn't seen the ring or us since we got engaged. His wife and I were in their daughter's room talking all about how it happened and in walked Phil to make sure that he did a good job. Of course she and I both said yes!!! He is moving in soon and don't tell him, but I'm not ready to share my bed every night with him. I enjoy having the bed to myself. Not to mention, if I don't want to wash the dishes or throw my stuff on the table and leave it for a few days, I don't have to worry about someone else getting irritated that I am not cleaning up. I know that will have to change.
* My dog Peanut!!!! She got the all clear from the vet last week and she is almost back to her old self. They are so impressed that she has healed as well as she has. I told them I didn't know what I was going to do now that we don't have to go to the vet every week. We have been there every week-sometimes twice a week-since this has happened. I told them that I will have to bring her by for a visit so they can see her. She will be boarding there in a few weeks when we go to PA, so I know she will be in good hands and will be spoiled!
* My family!!!! My brothers are now out of the house and off to college. My mom and stepdad are beside themselves. The house is quiet. I told my mom that she needs to pick up scrapbooking more so she can occupy her time. At least we have a wedding to plan so that will occupy her.
* My friends!!!! I have asked Robin to be my Maid of Honor and am so happy that she said yes. I promise not to be a Bridezilla! Now I need to ask a few more friends to be in the wedding. But who? I have so many great friends.
So there you have it! I'm off to clean my house. Enjoy your day!
* My new class!!!! They are sooo sweet! Even my little pistols are so sweet. And their parents-OMG-they are so very supportive. I had one little boy that was hysterical on the first day and he calmed down soon after I started reading a story. A couple hours later, he told me that he loved me. Hasn't cried since! I do have another boy that gets teary every few hours, but once I reassure him that we will be going home soon (even if the day just started) then he is fine until an hour later-when I reassure him again. I LOVE THEM!!!
* My Fiance!!!! We are so happy! Even Phil is getting into the wedding planning with me. He still picks up my hand and looks at my ring. Yesterday we were at a friend of his house and they hadn't seen the ring or us since we got engaged. His wife and I were in their daughter's room talking all about how it happened and in walked Phil to make sure that he did a good job. Of course she and I both said yes!!! He is moving in soon and don't tell him, but I'm not ready to share my bed every night with him. I enjoy having the bed to myself. Not to mention, if I don't want to wash the dishes or throw my stuff on the table and leave it for a few days, I don't have to worry about someone else getting irritated that I am not cleaning up. I know that will have to change.
* My dog Peanut!!!! She got the all clear from the vet last week and she is almost back to her old self. They are so impressed that she has healed as well as she has. I told them I didn't know what I was going to do now that we don't have to go to the vet every week. We have been there every week-sometimes twice a week-since this has happened. I told them that I will have to bring her by for a visit so they can see her. She will be boarding there in a few weeks when we go to PA, so I know she will be in good hands and will be spoiled!
* My family!!!! My brothers are now out of the house and off to college. My mom and stepdad are beside themselves. The house is quiet. I told my mom that she needs to pick up scrapbooking more so she can occupy her time. At least we have a wedding to plan so that will occupy her.
* My friends!!!! I have asked Robin to be my Maid of Honor and am so happy that she said yes. I promise not to be a Bridezilla! Now I need to ask a few more friends to be in the wedding. But who? I have so many great friends.
So there you have it! I'm off to clean my house. Enjoy your day!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Did I tell you
That I'm engaged!!! I still can't believe it! I am on cloud nine and can't stop smiling. I love my ring and love my fiance! It's weird calling him that. He's been really great about listening to my ideas and looking at what I've found in the magazines. I don't want to wear him out so I'm trying not to talk about it daily. But it's so hard not too! That's all that's been on my mind.
Until today, well only a little bit of it anyway. I went to my classroom today and man what a mess! I never knew I had that much stuff, but after 9 years of teaching, I have collected quite a bit. I tried to get my furniture in order and it was really tough-always is, but was getting easier, but now that I have a portable with different furniture than what I'm used to, it was the hardest yet. But I left there with it all how I wanted it, so tomorrow I'll start unpacking my stuff and unit materials. FUN, FUN! Anyone want to help?!
Ok, gotta run. Peanut and I are headed to the vet for a follow up visit. She's doing ok, been limping some, so she's in pain and I can't seem to pick her up without hurting her. :-(
Until today, well only a little bit of it anyway. I went to my classroom today and man what a mess! I never knew I had that much stuff, but after 9 years of teaching, I have collected quite a bit. I tried to get my furniture in order and it was really tough-always is, but was getting easier, but now that I have a portable with different furniture than what I'm used to, it was the hardest yet. But I left there with it all how I wanted it, so tomorrow I'll start unpacking my stuff and unit materials. FUN, FUN! Anyone want to help?!
Ok, gotta run. Peanut and I are headed to the vet for a follow up visit. She's doing ok, been limping some, so she's in pain and I can't seem to pick her up without hurting her. :-(
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I'm engaged!
Yesterday, August 7th was my birthday and Phil and I went to dinner at Carrabbas' and then to the beach to watch the sunset. Before we left for dinner he told me that I can open my present when we get back from dinner and the beach.

As we were watching the sunset and looking around at everything, he says Look what I found in the sand. I turn to look and he's holding a ring-I was shocked! So he asked and I of course said.....YES!!!!!!
Here's a picture of my beautiful ring.
It's 3/4 ct. and is a Leo diamond-apparently the cut is better with a Leo diamond and the clarity is supposed to be better too. But I don't care about all that-it's just beautiful!!
I can't stop smiling and looking at the ring!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
It's been a nice summer!
And it is nearing it's end...how depressing!
Here's Peanut looking down at Bill, my step-dad. She loved putting her head through the slits on the balcony.

This is the first cabin we stayed at in Murphy, NC. My mom works with the lady who owns the cabin. We stayed here from Monday to Wednesday. It was a very nice cabin. We each had our own room and bathroom. All the amenities-washer, dryer, beautiful porch, etc. but no reception for the TV. We watched some movies.
Here we are in front of the 2nd cabin near Waynesville, NC. We stayed here from Wednesday to Monday. There is more to do closer to this cabin. Downtown Waynesville was very cute and quaint. We were close to Cherokee, Maggie Valley, and Sylva-where the brewery is. My younger brother friend's parents own this cabin. They had 1 TV channel and had a phone, but only 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms. But hey, you can't complain when it's free-right!

So there you have it. My trip to NC. Did I tell you I want to move there?! I would right now, but think I'll wait until I finish my master's before making that decision. It's just so calm and relaxing there.
Even though this summer has had some hard times, I have enjoyed my time doing absolutely nothing!
I didn't tell you but, I went up to North Carolina in the middle of July for a little over a week. I had been really stressed out with everything going on with Peanut, and then Phil and I had a tiff...so I was talking to my mom and about things and crying to her, and she told me to come with them to NC-the next day-Sunday. Originally, I was to "babysit" my 19 1/2 year old brother while they were away so he wouldn't have any parties, but she said it'd be ok and I should come with them. Then it dawned on me that my final paper and presentation for my one class was due that Wednesday and my for my other class I had a final exam. So I called my professor and told her that I needed to get away, and I'd email her my paper if that'd be ok. She said sure no problem. So, I told my mom that there would be no way I could do my paper before the next day, so she said they'd wait until Monday morning. Sunday morning, I woke up at 7am and got right to work, finished my final exam and other items due for the one class and then started the dreaded research paper citing 8-10 research studies...UGH!!! I started working on it around 11:30am and did not finish it until 3:30am!! But I got it done and had no worries! I could leave for NC in the morning at 6:30am and not have one thing to stress about. I sent my professor my items and that was that. Or so I thought!
Off to NC...Peanut, me, grandma, mom and my step-dad. I slept most of the way up there and decided this would be a great time away from everything. I gave my professor my # in case there was a problem but wouldn't you know, we had no reception. On Wednesday we were headed to our next cabin and we stopped at some shops along the way-I found an internet cafe and decided I better email my professor to let her know that I had no reception, well she emailed me that she hadn't recieved my paper! AHG!!! I quickly emailed my neighbor describing exactly what to do to email her my paper. Then decided I better call him too. Needless to say, after quite a bit of walking him through things, he finally sent it on it's way. Thank goodness!
Peanut and I (and everyone else) had such a relaxing time. No phone service, only 1 TV channel, and secluded in the woods. We had really cool weather and even got COLD at night. Here are some pictures of us and our adventures.
she often would leave the cabin and sit on the porch. Isn't she a cutie!
Here she is feeling free as a bird.
She had no fears to leave to porch and would just wander off. At one point, my mom and grandma were worried that she'd take off down the road and my mom didn't want to have another emergency with her.
I finally had to tie her up so she wouldn't run away.
Here I am at the local brewery. Very neat place. Bill and I each bought our own jug of beer. This picture was taken at our 2nd visit to the brewery. We went the day before-Friday-and decided we need to fill our jugs again before heading home. They were closed, Sunday and Monday so we had to head back on Saturday. That meant we had to finish our jugs on Friday. Each jug holds a little under a 6-pack.
This is the first cabin we stayed at in Murphy, NC. My mom works with the lady who owns the cabin. We stayed here from Monday to Wednesday. It was a very nice cabin. We each had our own room and bathroom. All the amenities-washer, dryer, beautiful porch, etc. but no reception for the TV. We watched some movies.
Here we are in front of the 2nd cabin near Waynesville, NC. We stayed here from Wednesday to Monday. There is more to do closer to this cabin. Downtown Waynesville was very cute and quaint. We were close to Cherokee, Maggie Valley, and Sylva-where the brewery is. My younger brother friend's parents own this cabin. They had 1 TV channel and had a phone, but only 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms. But hey, you can't complain when it's free-right!
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
What a day!
I was so enjoying the rain and thunderstorm we were having here this morning as I was trying to sleep in...but then, I heard drips in my shower...well I've always had the drips, but the drips were making a bit louder sound. Seems that we were not draining properly. We as in the rest of the people on the downstairs. So we called the plumber who came out and released the drain to the sewer and snaked us out...problem solved...I was lucky that my tub didn't overflow and there was no overflow from my toilet, but still serious scrubbing needed to occur in my place. My neighbor has a shower in his place with no tub, so the water overflowed and went throughout his entire place. Sewer water at that. YUCK!! His rugs are soaked, speakers ruining, some furniture ruined. I am so glad that I'm not in his shoes...
So a cleaning I go...scrubbing away the yuck! Then I jump in the shower and as I neared the end of my shower, the toilet gurgled again...AGH!!! I flush and sure enough, it rises to the top...and the plunging didn't help one bit. I check with my neighbors and they hear gurgling too...so we have to call the plumber back to fix it again. Man! Good thing I wasn't going to do anything today-except scrapbook, but now I may put that off until tomorrow.
So a cleaning I go...scrubbing away the yuck! Then I jump in the shower and as I neared the end of my shower, the toilet gurgled again...AGH!!! I flush and sure enough, it rises to the top...and the plunging didn't help one bit. I check with my neighbors and they hear gurgling too...so we have to call the plumber back to fix it again. Man! Good thing I wasn't going to do anything today-except scrapbook, but now I may put that off until tomorrow.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
She is already healing!
I am so amazed! Last night when we were at the vet, they showed me one hole that is still open and to just keep it clean. They even opened it up for me to see inside-I about threw up! So when we got home, I cleaned all her open wounds, and the gross one too-ugh! This morning I tried to open the one-and it wouldn't budge! YIPPEE!! I don't have to look at it anymore-I mean YIPPEE, she's healing!!
And she's still breathing normal!!
And she's still breathing normal!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Peanut's Lifesaver!
This is Dr. Kern. She is the vet that has been primarily taking care of her. She told me the day after her surgery that she was worried all night about Peanut and called the vet in the middle on the night to check on her. I just think she is great! She is very upfront with things and I like that-knowing what might happen lets me not have such a shock if/when it happens. (Like her pneumonia and the hole in her lung)
We had our vet appt tonight to get her staples and drains out. She looks so much better already! There will be a little more draining and she has some open wounds that will heal in time, but I can handle that! Like I said before, Peanut is not out of the woods just yet. We are still to take it easy and that's fine by me. She hasn't had her toys yet, and I think I'll keep those away for at least the next month...her ribs need 2 months to be sure they are healed so I think until then, we will be doing a lot of lounging! Like I said, I don't mind! So if you are in the neighborhood, we are welcome for visitors!! Better yet, I'm ready to get out of the house for some adult time!!
We brought the vet staff some cookies and brownies tonight along with a card and picture of Peanut. They thought it was very nice, but it's the least I could do for their care and devotion for my girl! I know they will be getting my money-well not mine, eventually the other dog owner's money-but I know how it feels to know that you are appreciated!
Besides, everytime we walk into the vet, they know Peanut by name!!
She's sleeping right now and looks so peaceful! To know that 2 weeks ago, her life was in jeopardy is just baffling. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and this will all have been a really bad dream!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Long time no blog
As most of you already know, my girl Peanut was attacked 2 weeks ago by a pit bull. We were outside ready to go walking when it came over and just bit into her back. It was the most horrifying experience I have ever seen! I felt so helpless!
Here she is when she first came home from the vet-resting on the couch.
And here she is in the oxygen cage. She had to go back to the vet 3 days after we'd been home because she was breathing funny. She had a collapsed lung with air in her chest cavity and pneumonia in the other lung. Doesn't she look so pitiful?!
This is the side that had the bad lung wounds. She has staples from the top of her back to where her front leg is. There are drains coming out to help the inside wounds heal. They had to shave her back...
But my girl is pulling through! She is resting a lot, and taking it easy. She has been on lots of medications and is starting be act like her self again-barking/growling when people pass my door. Her barks are soft now because of her lungs, but I'm sure in time, her barks will be back to normal. She wants to be everywhere I am, which is normal. But she isn't too fond of going outside to go to the bathroom now. When I take her out, she just sits there are looks at me like I'm crazy. There are puppy pads around the house for her to use and when we can go walking again, hopefully she'll be back to normal in that area.
I hired an attorney to take care of getting money to pay for the huge vet bills. The owner of the pit bull will not return my calls so I'll let the attorney take care of that!
Here are some pictures of my girl and her recovery. I'll start with the better ones and work my way to the gross wounds. They really aren't that bad in the picture, but I know some people have weak stomachs. I'll end things here too, so if you don't want to go on you don't have to. I did caption the pictures though...Anyway, we go to the vet tomorrow evening to get the staples and drains out.
Now for the kinda yucky ones-they are really just sad looking.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Today is my mom's birthday. She is 29 and holding...if you figure I'm 31-she had to be not yet born to have me!
When I was younger, I always knew my mom's age as she was 20 when she had me. Well she kept trying to tell me that she was 29-every year. Being the smarty pants that I am, I would always tell her she was wrong and that couldn't be. I used to think nothing was wrong with telling your age. But as I'm getting older, I see why she wanted to remain 29.
So Happy 29th Birthday Mom!
(not that she'll see this as she doesn't know about the blog)
Also Happy Birthday Gracie!
When I was younger, I always knew my mom's age as she was 20 when she had me. Well she kept trying to tell me that she was 29-every year. Being the smarty pants that I am, I would always tell her she was wrong and that couldn't be. I used to think nothing was wrong with telling your age. But as I'm getting older, I see why she wanted to remain 29.
So Happy 29th Birthday Mom!
(not that she'll see this as she doesn't know about the blog)
Also Happy Birthday Gracie!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
I am on a roll...
And it's not even 9:45 yet!
This morning Peanut and I were dumping her garbage from her walk :) and we found a wallet in the alley. I picked it up and looked to see who the owner was...then decided to call the police so they can drop it off to the owner since he didn't live in the safest of neighborhoods. Since I had to wait for the officer to pick it up, I decided not to go back to sleep but rather start laundry...then washed the dishes, loaded the trunk of my car with things to take to the shelter, and just now dismantled my old computer in the back room to take to the dump...it is no longer working so is of no use to a school or shelter...so off to the dump we will go...
But I realized that my wireless router needed to connect to something for my laptop to work...uh oh! Don't tell me I need to reconnect the computer and now will have to keep it! UGH!!! Well, I checked out the cords and I don't need to keep it!!! YIPPEE!!! It works and I thought I'd blog to test it out too.
So, now I'm headed to the shower, and off to the dump and shelter to unload my car! I feel so free of the junk!!! I'm also taking a TV that no longer works to the dump so I am cleaning house!! When I'm done, I need to head up to my mom's to drop off part of her birthday present-a large plant. When I'm done, I'm planning on doing my homework and take a nap!
Oh-by the way-I LOVE MY NEW SCHOOL AND PRINCIPAL!!! More about that later!
This morning Peanut and I were dumping her garbage from her walk :) and we found a wallet in the alley. I picked it up and looked to see who the owner was...then decided to call the police so they can drop it off to the owner since he didn't live in the safest of neighborhoods. Since I had to wait for the officer to pick it up, I decided not to go back to sleep but rather start laundry...then washed the dishes, loaded the trunk of my car with things to take to the shelter, and just now dismantled my old computer in the back room to take to the dump...it is no longer working so is of no use to a school or shelter...so off to the dump we will go...
But I realized that my wireless router needed to connect to something for my laptop to work...uh oh! Don't tell me I need to reconnect the computer and now will have to keep it! UGH!!! Well, I checked out the cords and I don't need to keep it!!! YIPPEE!!! It works and I thought I'd blog to test it out too.
So, now I'm headed to the shower, and off to the dump and shelter to unload my car! I feel so free of the junk!!! I'm also taking a TV that no longer works to the dump so I am cleaning house!! When I'm done, I need to head up to my mom's to drop off part of her birthday present-a large plant. When I'm done, I'm planning on doing my homework and take a nap!
Oh-by the way-I LOVE MY NEW SCHOOL AND PRINCIPAL!!! More about that later!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
I'm beat!
So Saturday was Tim's birthday-my brother. He turned 18 and we all went to dinner to celebrate. One day last week, we were discussing where we were going to eat when my mom and Tim tell me that the family was going to Universal Studios and did I want to go. Apparantly teachers get in free for a limited time and can bring guests for only $40 each. So I said sure, but then I realized I have a dog to worry about...where would my sweet girl go? (They were going to leave on Sunday evening and stay in a hotel and then go to US on Monday) I didn't want to take her to the dog sitter as I want to be able to have her when I go away for longer periods of time, not just for the night. Then I thought about putting her in the kennel-which I just hate to do, but sometimes is necessary. But, she would have to stay for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday as we wouldn't be back in time for me to get her on Monday night and Tuesday I have training so I'd have to get her after that. So I'd be charged $60 for the kennel-not exactly a free trip to Universal... so I declined. Then when we were at dinner, I got the guilt trip, puppy dog eyes from Tim that this will be the last time that we will all hang out as a family since he leaves for college soon. Boy did I fell the guilt set in. Those boys sure know where to hit me!
So my mom called my aunt, who lives in Orlando and has dogs and asked if we could stay with her for the night and leave my girl with her while we are at US-she's a teacher and is out for the summer. She said sure and not problem about Peanut. She is a dog person and understands the needs of a dog. So off we went.
She tried to make friends with Peanut from the get go and Peanut actually didn't mind her. Her dogs didn't mind her either and Peanut couldn't get enough of them. She didn't sleep that night because she knew there were dogs in the house and she wanted to play.
We had a blast at Universal. I felt like a kid again. It was fun to ride the coasters with my brothers and some of the rides the whole family went on. We went on some a few times. We went to both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures. (We got in free to both) It was fun, fun, fun!!! But, man we were tired!!! I slept great last night and was supposed to go to that training today, but I just couldn't get out of bed. I was looking forward to go to the training too. So, here I am. Home, not at the training, and wondering what I should do today. I think I may go to the new Whim's and see what it's like and then organize more school stuff. That's my plan for the day. Peanut is already napping. If you are a teacher, and want to go to Universal for free, let me know and I'll get you address to get your free coupon.
So my mom called my aunt, who lives in Orlando and has dogs and asked if we could stay with her for the night and leave my girl with her while we are at US-she's a teacher and is out for the summer. She said sure and not problem about Peanut. She is a dog person and understands the needs of a dog. So off we went.
She tried to make friends with Peanut from the get go and Peanut actually didn't mind her. Her dogs didn't mind her either and Peanut couldn't get enough of them. She didn't sleep that night because she knew there were dogs in the house and she wanted to play.
We had a blast at Universal. I felt like a kid again. It was fun to ride the coasters with my brothers and some of the rides the whole family went on. We went on some a few times. We went to both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventures. (We got in free to both) It was fun, fun, fun!!! But, man we were tired!!! I slept great last night and was supposed to go to that training today, but I just couldn't get out of bed. I was looking forward to go to the training too. So, here I am. Home, not at the training, and wondering what I should do today. I think I may go to the new Whim's and see what it's like and then organize more school stuff. That's my plan for the day. Peanut is already napping. If you are a teacher, and want to go to Universal for free, let me know and I'll get you address to get your free coupon.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Productive Research
I was trying to catch up on my homework last night but was not having any luck. So this morning I headed to the Library for some help. I am so glad I did. I am caught up on homework and now have a better understanding of how to find research articles. I got a surprise while I was in the Library. A parking ticket. I guess I spent too much time in the Library-3 hours...and only had 2 1/2 hours in the meters...oh well.
So on tomorrow's agenda:
pay bills
wash sheets
start going through the piles and piles and piles of things I brought home from my class
call around for renter's/homeowners insurance
start on my next homework assignment
clean up scraproom
make a card for my brother
buy Peanut a new toy
and the most important-get a pedicure
We'll see how many of those things I actually get done.
I am soooo glad I am on vacation!!! It is so nice!
So on tomorrow's agenda:
pay bills
wash sheets
start going through the piles and piles and piles of things I brought home from my class
call around for renter's/homeowners insurance
start on my next homework assignment
clean up scraproom
make a card for my brother
buy Peanut a new toy
and the most important-get a pedicure
We'll see how many of those things I actually get done.
I am soooo glad I am on vacation!!! It is so nice!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Tag-I'm it!
Robin tagged me on her blog.... to play this game!! The game is SCATTERGORIES...it's harder than it looks! Here are the rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name.
Your Name: Amy
1. Famous Singer/Band: Aerosmith
2. 4 letter word: also
3. Street: Abbey Road
4. Color: Auburn
5. Gifts/Presents: antique items
6. Vehicle: Altima
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: angels
8. Boy Name: Andrew
9. Girl Name: Ansley
10. Movie Title: Ace Ventura
11.Drink: Apple Cider
12. Occupation: Author
13. Flower: amaryllis
14. Celebrity: Angelina Jolie
15. Magazine: Audubon
16. U.S. City: Atlanta
17. Pro Sports Teams: Athletics
18. Fruit: apple
19. Reason for Being Late for Work: aches
20. Something You Throw Away: ads in the mail
21. Things You Shout: AGH!!!
22. Cartoon Character: Ariel
And now I'm supposed to tag someone...I tag Roz. Roz are you reading this?? Your turn...
Your Name: Amy
1. Famous Singer/Band: Aerosmith
2. 4 letter word: also
3. Street: Abbey Road
4. Color: Auburn
5. Gifts/Presents: antique items
6. Vehicle: Altima
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: angels
8. Boy Name: Andrew
9. Girl Name: Ansley
10. Movie Title: Ace Ventura
11.Drink: Apple Cider
12. Occupation: Author
13. Flower: amaryllis
14. Celebrity: Angelina Jolie
15. Magazine: Audubon
16. U.S. City: Atlanta
17. Pro Sports Teams: Athletics
18. Fruit: apple
19. Reason for Being Late for Work: aches
20. Something You Throw Away: ads in the mail
21. Things You Shout: AGH!!!
22. Cartoon Character: Ariel
And now I'm supposed to tag someone...I tag Roz. Roz are you reading this?? Your turn...
Monday, May 28, 2007
Whose idea was it anyway?
I don't think it was mine, but if it was, I must have been on drugs or something. Only kidding, but seriously, why did I decide to take 2 Research classes this summer????
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! One is really kicking my butt. I have 4-5 different (in depth and difficult) assignments due every 3-4 days. So if you don't see me, you know what I'll be doing. Good thing I'm not working this summer, and no I didn't want to go to the beach every once in a while or just be a bum a little but this summer...oh well. As for the other class, I can handle it, but it's still a tough one!
On a side note, did I tell you how very excited I am about going to the other school??!!! I am SOOOOO excited!!!!
Had a fun, relaxing weekend-good thing since I'll be spending the rest of the summer on the computer or at the Library doing research.
Saturday, we went on a friends' boat and it was just a nice time.
Sunday, we went to the beach-again very relaxing. Sunday night I decided to be a bum on the couch in my comfy clothes instead of going out and getting all dressed up.
Today, I went up to my mom's for a cookout. Then home to do homework-UGH!!!
Tomorrow I will be back to my classroom to get the last remaining items. On Friday, I took 3 truckloads to the new school and one truckload of things home to go through and get organized.
I'll be setting the turtle free tomorrow in the pond at the school. I'll be sad to let it go, but glad to know it can continue it's life in a nice (roomy) place. (And don't tell it-but I'll be glad to not have to clean it's tank every few weeks!)
Well, I have caught you up on my OH SO FUN SUMMER-not.
I'll try to get out of the house every so often and let you know what I do.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! One is really kicking my butt. I have 4-5 different (in depth and difficult) assignments due every 3-4 days. So if you don't see me, you know what I'll be doing. Good thing I'm not working this summer, and no I didn't want to go to the beach every once in a while or just be a bum a little but this summer...oh well. As for the other class, I can handle it, but it's still a tough one!
On a side note, did I tell you how very excited I am about going to the other school??!!! I am SOOOOO excited!!!!
Had a fun, relaxing weekend-good thing since I'll be spending the rest of the summer on the computer or at the Library doing research.
Saturday, we went on a friends' boat and it was just a nice time.
Sunday, we went to the beach-again very relaxing. Sunday night I decided to be a bum on the couch in my comfy clothes instead of going out and getting all dressed up.
Today, I went up to my mom's for a cookout. Then home to do homework-UGH!!!
Tomorrow I will be back to my classroom to get the last remaining items. On Friday, I took 3 truckloads to the new school and one truckload of things home to go through and get organized.
I'll be setting the turtle free tomorrow in the pond at the school. I'll be sad to let it go, but glad to know it can continue it's life in a nice (roomy) place. (And don't tell it-but I'll be glad to not have to clean it's tank every few weeks!)
Well, I have caught you up on my OH SO FUN SUMMER-not.
I'll try to get out of the house every so often and let you know what I do.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Where have you been?
So sorry about the MAJOR delay in blogging!
It was so nice to relax! Linda, when are we going on the next cruise? Sign me up!!
I took photos of each of their children during the year and put them on the cube and added embellishments, and such...
Been kinda busy...
My intern was finishing up so you know who had to take over teaching...
My intern was finishing up so you know who had to take over teaching...
Let's see, then I went on a cruise...had a blast!!! It was soo relaxing...here's some pictures... Oh and I got strep throat right before I left so I was on antibiotics.
Here's the boat when we were in Nassau, Bahamas.
And here's the view of the water from Half Moon Cay-the private island we spent the day at. We just floated in the water all day. I am still peeling...
And here's the view of the water from Half Moon Cay-the private island we spent the day at. We just floated in the water all day. I am still peeling...
When we got back from the island, a few of us treated ourselves to a Do it Herself Spa Night...We laughed sooo hard. Here's Kip, Linda, Jayne, Me and Robin as we are preparing to spoil ourselves.
And here we are after we oiled ourselves up before festering in the Sauna...don't we look attractive!?
It was so nice to relax! Linda, when are we going on the next cruise? Sign me up!!
Then we got back on dry land and I got a call for an interview at a Fundamental School.
The interview was this past Thursday and I was a nervous wreck! But, Friday morning, they called and offered me the position. I was so excited. Of course I said yes, and then it hit me. The tears came, the overwhelming job of packing up 9 years of teaching materials, and the last day of school for the kids. But, I made it through the day and at the end of the day, I realized that I couldn't watch this group of kids grow up, like I'd done for the other little ones I'd had. Then the tears flowed a little more. But, I am very excited about the change I am making. I'm ready for something new! I will miss everyone at my school now, but look forward to the new experience.
I made my volunteers some end of the year gifts and they loved them! I really liked how they turned out too! Here's some pictures:
Ok well, I'm off to my brother's graduation party.
I hope I have given you a little something to hold you over until the next time I blog! I'll try not to wait so long next time!
Have a great day!
Monday, April 16, 2007
It's been a while...
Yes I know-the cobwebs are quite thick.
I had a very busy weekend.
My mom's cousin-my 2nd cousin-got married this weekend. He is 26 and we usually see him at Thanksgiving every so often. Anywho-we drove up to Jacksonville to get my brother and then drove down to St. Augustine where the wedding was to be held.
He is my grandma's nephew so she had many of her sisters in town-it was nice to see/meet them all again. I hadn't seen a lot of them in many years. They all look and sound alike. All of them are quite loud and talk over the other-it's kind of like when all my aunts get together.
So we walked around downtown St. Augustine for a while on Friday night. What a cute little town. Then we all came back and had a porch party. 3 of my mom's sisters were there too and their children so we had several rooms right next to each other.
Saturday we woke up and got ready for the noon wedding. It was very nice. Then we took a trolley to the reception but since we were early, we hung out downstairs at the brewery. They had some really yummy beers on tap. Finally it was time to head upstairs for the reception-again very nice-yummy food, etc...
They rented trolleys to take us from the church to the reception and vice versa but the trolley wouldn't be leaving for the church until 6pm and we had eaten our meals, had cake, etc and it was only 4pm...so we walked back to the church (only a few blocks) and got the car to go back to the hotel.
There was an after wedding party/luau at the beach at 8pm so a nap was in order. After my nap, we all headed to the luau. It was ok-lots of young kids (listen to me-as if I'm old) mostly the bride and grooms friends in their early 20's. We didn't stay too long as it was really windy and rainy so back to the hotel we went. We were planning on another porch party, but my cousin (8 years old) had sand thrown in his face at the luau by another kid so my aunt and uncle had to take him to the ER to get checked out as some sand got in his eyes. He did have a scratch on his eye so they gave him some meds.
Sunday we woke up and went to the shrine across the street from our hotel-(a shrine for mothers I think-can't remember the exact name of it) then headed over to the fountain of youth. I drank the water there so should be getting younger as we speak (or type) hehe!!
It was a loooonnnnnnngggggggggggggggg drive back home. We had to drop Pat back off in Jax and of course buy him some groceries and get some dinner, so we made it back to Clearwater at 8:00pm.
I picked up Peanut and made it home just in time to watch Desperate Housewives.
I was beat today! I did not want to get out of bed, but I did.
So that was my weekend. I'll post some pictures soon of some of the highlights.
This week's agenda:
*register for summer classes-going to take 2-yikes!!!
*grocery shop
*get my homework done for my class
I think that's it...don't want to overdo it...but Robin keeps telling me to
So I can't do any shopping and I must stay busy here at home!
Enjoy your week!
I had a very busy weekend.
My mom's cousin-my 2nd cousin-got married this weekend. He is 26 and we usually see him at Thanksgiving every so often. Anywho-we drove up to Jacksonville to get my brother and then drove down to St. Augustine where the wedding was to be held.
He is my grandma's nephew so she had many of her sisters in town-it was nice to see/meet them all again. I hadn't seen a lot of them in many years. They all look and sound alike. All of them are quite loud and talk over the other-it's kind of like when all my aunts get together.
So we walked around downtown St. Augustine for a while on Friday night. What a cute little town. Then we all came back and had a porch party. 3 of my mom's sisters were there too and their children so we had several rooms right next to each other.
Saturday we woke up and got ready for the noon wedding. It was very nice. Then we took a trolley to the reception but since we were early, we hung out downstairs at the brewery. They had some really yummy beers on tap. Finally it was time to head upstairs for the reception-again very nice-yummy food, etc...
They rented trolleys to take us from the church to the reception and vice versa but the trolley wouldn't be leaving for the church until 6pm and we had eaten our meals, had cake, etc and it was only 4pm...so we walked back to the church (only a few blocks) and got the car to go back to the hotel.
There was an after wedding party/luau at the beach at 8pm so a nap was in order. After my nap, we all headed to the luau. It was ok-lots of young kids (listen to me-as if I'm old) mostly the bride and grooms friends in their early 20's. We didn't stay too long as it was really windy and rainy so back to the hotel we went. We were planning on another porch party, but my cousin (8 years old) had sand thrown in his face at the luau by another kid so my aunt and uncle had to take him to the ER to get checked out as some sand got in his eyes. He did have a scratch on his eye so they gave him some meds.
Sunday we woke up and went to the shrine across the street from our hotel-(a shrine for mothers I think-can't remember the exact name of it) then headed over to the fountain of youth. I drank the water there so should be getting younger as we speak (or type) hehe!!
It was a loooonnnnnnngggggggggggggggg drive back home. We had to drop Pat back off in Jax and of course buy him some groceries and get some dinner, so we made it back to Clearwater at 8:00pm.
I picked up Peanut and made it home just in time to watch Desperate Housewives.
I was beat today! I did not want to get out of bed, but I did.
So that was my weekend. I'll post some pictures soon of some of the highlights.
This week's agenda:
*register for summer classes-going to take 2-yikes!!!
*grocery shop
*get my homework done for my class
I think that's it...don't want to overdo it...but Robin keeps telling me to
So I can't do any shopping and I must stay busy here at home!
Enjoy your week!
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Coming to an end...
Spring Break that is.
I had a really good week!
Monday a bunch of girls went to the beach.
Tuesday some of us walked on the beach.
Wednesday a few of us went kayaking. That was really fun! We saw a ton of Sting rays! I'm not too sore so that's good too! Just nice and relaxing!
Thursday I took Peanut to the dog beach (she needs to get some sun too) with a friend and her dog. Peanut wasn't really feeling it! She stayed on the sand and dug a hole since it was hot. I took her in the water a few times to cool off and she had to swim out. She's such a cutie. The other dog would chase the wake made from the boats. I was hoping Peanut would catch on but she didn't.
Friday was another beach day. You'd think I'd be tired of the sun, but no! I sat under the umbrella and just chatted with the girls.
I managed to get some good sun (as if getting sun is good for you) and wore sunscreen each day. And now I'm ready for the CRUISE!!!! I can't wait! We will have soo much fun-right girls?!! Robin-Kip, Jules, Linda, and Michele?!!
Other news to note: Tim-my brother (the on in HS) got accepted to FSU so he is really excited. Pat-my other brother (the one in college) is looking to transfer (remember the girlfriend situation-well they broke up) and got accepted at USF so he may go there-he's still hoping for FSU-but he needs his ACT/SAT scores to go up by a few more points and that's really hard to do...so looks like USF it will be!
I planned on sleeping in each day this week, but between getting blood drawn on Monday early morning (going to a new dr) and then the dr apppointment on Wednesday early morning, and then wanting to get umbrellas at the beach, sleeping in was not so easy. Not sure why I scheduled a dr apt in the early morning during Spring Break-but I did...then yesterday and today, I was woken up by the race cars at the Grand Prix. Wish I could go, but I'm headed to Orlando today for my friend's wedding. Should be fun!
Tomorrow I will be relaxing, cleaning/straightening up my house, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. Have a great weekend! Here's some pictures from kayaking...
Here's Beth and I...It was her first time kayaking.
Here's Candy and I...she brought the drinks...
Here's Candy and Tonya...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Spring Break
I know there are more cobwebs...
Here's what I've been up to:
Sleep In
Play with Peanut
Sleep In
Play with Peanut
Tomorrow here's what's going on...
Dr in the morning then Kayaking with the girls...
Then nap
Then out with the girls...
Thursday and Friday-not sure yet-maybe dinner with Robin.
Saturday I'll be heading over to Orlando to go to my friend Heather's wedding.
If anything exciting happens I'll be sure to let you all know-I'll try to bring the camera tomorrow on the kayak trip so I'll have some pictures I hope.
Sorry this was a boring post, but currently I've been in a blah mood-yes it's spring break, but same old crap going on...
Here's what I've been up to:
Sleep In
Play with Peanut
Sleep In
Play with Peanut
Tomorrow here's what's going on...
Dr in the morning then Kayaking with the girls...
Then nap
Then out with the girls...
Thursday and Friday-not sure yet-maybe dinner with Robin.
Saturday I'll be heading over to Orlando to go to my friend Heather's wedding.
If anything exciting happens I'll be sure to let you all know-I'll try to bring the camera tomorrow on the kayak trip so I'll have some pictures I hope.
Sorry this was a boring post, but currently I've been in a blah mood-yes it's spring break, but same old crap going on...
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sunny Sunday!
I just got back from taking a long walk along the water. I ran a little too...
I'll be heading to the grocery store in a few minutes and then relaxing at home.
Later today I'll be heading up to my parents. We are going to dinner for my step-dad's dad's birthday. I'm not really what I'll eat, we are going to a seafood place and since I shouldn't really eat shellfish, and I'm not a big fish eater...I'll try to find something.
Last night I went to Kim's party that she had. Yummy food!!! And lots of it too!! I was going to meet up with Phil afterwards but decided my bed sounded much better! Shhh don't tell him that though! He was at a party that someone from his work was having, I made an appearance before I went to Kim's so that should be ok.
Ok-well, I think I'll get moving, since I've got all this energy. Hope you have a great Sunday!
I'll be heading to the grocery store in a few minutes and then relaxing at home.
Later today I'll be heading up to my parents. We are going to dinner for my step-dad's dad's birthday. I'm not really what I'll eat, we are going to a seafood place and since I shouldn't really eat shellfish, and I'm not a big fish eater...I'll try to find something.
Last night I went to Kim's party that she had. Yummy food!!! And lots of it too!! I was going to meet up with Phil afterwards but decided my bed sounded much better! Shhh don't tell him that though! He was at a party that someone from his work was having, I made an appearance before I went to Kim's so that should be ok.
Ok-well, I think I'll get moving, since I've got all this energy. Hope you have a great Sunday!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I decided to be the bigger person in this whole situation and talked to the guy.
I spoke to the prez and told him how I thought we ought to have some sort of mediation, but first wanted to talk to the guy about it so I can be the bigger person. I saw him last night and he was alone, so I told him that I wasn't trying to be confrontational, just trying to ask you all to stop making the noise since it was after the time. He tried to tell me that it was only 10:30 (which I came back and said again that the time is 10:00 quiet time) and that he didn't think he was being loud and that his blinds needed to be put up since the nieghbors just moved in and can see through...(I think they moved in a few weeks ago-I guess he's not too bright) He "apologized" I let him talk and then I told him that I didn't appreciate getting yelled at by your gf. He told me that he heard a lot of yelling from both sides. I told him that she was doing pretty much all of it and that I don't feel that I deserved that. He tells me "Well, that's between you guys." I told him I guess it's her because I don't have a problem with her (not until now.) Then I told him that I was trying to just come up and ask you guys to stop and wasn't trying to get into a fight, and that I am just trying to live my life here and get along peacefully. He pretty much was done hearing what I had to say so he left...
I told the prez that I did that and we'll see what happens next. If it happens again...look out!!!
Anyway...I went for walk #4 this week at the park. Peanut didn't come yesterday or today since she was holding me back on Tuesday. I'm hoping to continue this weekend...
Plans for St. Patty's Day...
Going to a party at a friends. Laura (pool girl) will be in town so we are getting together for food, drinks and fun times...It's all girls so no Phil-besides he's going to a party that a guy from work is having... We may meet up after, or maybe I'll be having too much fun and not leave the party!
If you read this far-thanks! I'm sorry for the boring blow by blow above...
I spoke to the prez and told him how I thought we ought to have some sort of mediation, but first wanted to talk to the guy about it so I can be the bigger person. I saw him last night and he was alone, so I told him that I wasn't trying to be confrontational, just trying to ask you all to stop making the noise since it was after the time. He tried to tell me that it was only 10:30 (which I came back and said again that the time is 10:00 quiet time) and that he didn't think he was being loud and that his blinds needed to be put up since the nieghbors just moved in and can see through...(I think they moved in a few weeks ago-I guess he's not too bright) He "apologized" I let him talk and then I told him that I didn't appreciate getting yelled at by your gf. He told me that he heard a lot of yelling from both sides. I told him that she was doing pretty much all of it and that I don't feel that I deserved that. He tells me "Well, that's between you guys." I told him I guess it's her because I don't have a problem with her (not until now.) Then I told him that I was trying to just come up and ask you guys to stop and wasn't trying to get into a fight, and that I am just trying to live my life here and get along peacefully. He pretty much was done hearing what I had to say so he left...
I told the prez that I did that and we'll see what happens next. If it happens again...look out!!!
Anyway...I went for walk #4 this week at the park. Peanut didn't come yesterday or today since she was holding me back on Tuesday. I'm hoping to continue this weekend...
Plans for St. Patty's Day...
Going to a party at a friends. Laura (pool girl) will be in town so we are getting together for food, drinks and fun times...It's all girls so no Phil-besides he's going to a party that a guy from work is having... We may meet up after, or maybe I'll be having too much fun and not leave the party!
If you read this far-thanks! I'm sorry for the boring blow by blow above...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
UGH!!! SHE IS A BI#%@!!!!!!
Well, last night I went to bed a little after 10pm and around 10:30 I am just getting relaxed when I hear hammering noises coming from above yet again...I wait and try to will them to stop. But nooooo! They keep doing it and then start moving around furniture too! So I recall from a conversation that I had with the prez that the next time I have a problem with them to speak to them in a calm manner....ok Amy, take a deep breath!!! So I get out of bed, take some deep breaths so I am calm and knock on their door. The *&%$# answers the door and I (very calmly) say I am trying to work with you guys on the floor thing, but the tapping and moving of furniture has got to stop. She proceeds to call me every name in the book, well mostly that I am now the BI*&% and she threw in the f bomb and told me that she was f-ing tired of me being a b*&%$. I said (trying once again to remain calm) it is not the time to be making these noises. Again a few more lovely words came out of my mouth so seeing no resolution coming I tell her that I will be talking to the prez and she tells me go ahead you f-ing b&#$%! Then slams the door in my face....I proceeded to call her one back before she slammed it. I just cannot believe how RUDE she is and what a BI&*% she is. I was trying to be neighborly and ask them to stop so that I could sleep but, wow-she really showed her ugly side-(she is too.)
I have decided that I need to talk to the guy-the only one on the lease-and again be calm and see that these noises not occur during sleep hours... Keep in mind this is now the 2nd time they have done this and the first time, the prez talked to them...
Now they are just blatantly disregarding the rules that they agreed to live by.
I don't know how much longer I can remain calm about this!!!!!!!
I have decided that I need to talk to the guy-the only one on the lease-and again be calm and see that these noises not occur during sleep hours... Keep in mind this is now the 2nd time they have done this and the first time, the prez talked to them...
Now they are just blatantly disregarding the rules that they agreed to live by.
I don't know how much longer I can remain calm about this!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
It's Tuesday
and that means it's American Idol night! You know what I'm doing then!
So the weather here has been absolutely gorgeous lately! Peanut and I took a long walk yesterday along the water and then again today. I had to drag her some of the way and then pick her up...poor thing! She was beat! I'll give her a rest tomorrow and go on my own.
My intern has been sick the past few days and so I've been teaching again...Loving It! I really have missed the kids and getting them to smile and see them learn! It's very rewarding!
Nothing really exciting to update you all on. The time change has really been hard to get used to in the morning, but I love the daylight later in the evening!
I'm sorry there's nothing more to tell you! I'll try to go out and do something to be blog worthy!
So the weather here has been absolutely gorgeous lately! Peanut and I took a long walk yesterday along the water and then again today. I had to drag her some of the way and then pick her up...poor thing! She was beat! I'll give her a rest tomorrow and go on my own.
My intern has been sick the past few days and so I've been teaching again...Loving It! I really have missed the kids and getting them to smile and see them learn! It's very rewarding!
Nothing really exciting to update you all on. The time change has really been hard to get used to in the morning, but I love the daylight later in the evening!
I'm sorry there's nothing more to tell you! I'll try to go out and do something to be blog worthy!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
I am sooo disappointed!
Sabrina and Sundance should be in the top 12!!!! Sanjaya and Haley should have been the other 2 that were sent home!!! I can not believe it!! The voters had it wrong!
I feel much better now that I got that off my chest!
I get to teach tomorrow as my intern has to go to a seminar all day. I'm kind of looking forward to it! I've missed my kids and doing all the fun little things we do each day.
Also tomorrow is Prom for my brother Tim. His senior year is coming to an end and I just can't believe it! Nearly 18 years ago he was on his way into the world and now...oh my...I just can't believe that they are all grown up!
There are previews out right now for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and way back, when my brothers were little, that was their favorite! There were a few Halloweens that they were dressed as a TMNJ character...not to mention the many action figures and sheets and pj's...I had to watch the movie several times back then.
Ok I better end this before I start to cry.
I feel much better now that I got that off my chest!
I get to teach tomorrow as my intern has to go to a seminar all day. I'm kind of looking forward to it! I've missed my kids and doing all the fun little things we do each day.
Also tomorrow is Prom for my brother Tim. His senior year is coming to an end and I just can't believe it! Nearly 18 years ago he was on his way into the world and now...oh my...I just can't believe that they are all grown up!
There are previews out right now for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and way back, when my brothers were little, that was their favorite! There were a few Halloweens that they were dressed as a TMNJ character...not to mention the many action figures and sheets and pj's...I had to watch the movie several times back then.
Ok I better end this before I start to cry.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Idol Watchers...
I think Blake is so cute...there is something about his way of singing that I really like. At first the bebopping was a little wierd, but I think his personality shines in his singing.
The rest of the guys pretty much stink...It'll be a girl for sure this season!
Anywho-so I went to a Poetry class tonight-on how to teach my kids how to write poetry...I know what you are thinking. I was thinking it too! Kindergarteners write poetry...yep! I have faith that they can do it...I may have no more hair afterwards, but they will have poems!! Mark my words!
We had to practice writing some poems of our own tonight in class and I am a true poet! I think I should quit my day job and publish my anthology of poems! Hehehe!!
Here's a sample:
Peanut runs
She dreams.
Peanut wags
She dreams.
Peanut barks
She dreams.
Peanut snores
She dreams.
Whatch think???? I'm good aren't I?!! I'll be signing a copy of my poems at your local Barnes and Noble before you know it!
That's all for tonight-Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Oh-I may not be able to claim that one...
PS-My TV in my bedroom died. I hate not being able to watch before bed or while I'm getting dressed in the morning.
The rest of the guys pretty much stink...It'll be a girl for sure this season!
Anywho-so I went to a Poetry class tonight-on how to teach my kids how to write poetry...I know what you are thinking. I was thinking it too! Kindergarteners write poetry...yep! I have faith that they can do it...I may have no more hair afterwards, but they will have poems!! Mark my words!
We had to practice writing some poems of our own tonight in class and I am a true poet! I think I should quit my day job and publish my anthology of poems! Hehehe!!
Here's a sample:
Peanut runs
She dreams.
Peanut wags
She dreams.
Peanut barks
She dreams.
Peanut snores
She dreams.
Whatch think???? I'm good aren't I?!! I'll be signing a copy of my poems at your local Barnes and Noble before you know it!
That's all for tonight-Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Oh-I may not be able to claim that one...
PS-My TV in my bedroom died. I hate not being able to watch before bed or while I'm getting dressed in the morning.
Monday, March 05, 2007
So Sorry
I was notified by a dear friend that my blog had cobwebs on it. I'm here to dust them off.
What have I been up to? Not much, hence the lag in the blogging.
This Allergy season has been a killer! I have had really bad headaches, stuffy, just all around crappy feeling. It was either the allergies or the flu...I had one boy out all week. He went home early one day the week before and just returned to school today. Poor thing! Oh and I have a child with Staph infection too. Fun, fun, fun!
So resting is what I've done. I had to drive over to Tampa on Thursday and man...that drive is horrible! I left my house at 3:50 and did get to my advisors office until after 5:00. I sat on the bridge for nearly 30 minutes. Did not pass Dale Mabry until after 4:40...I know because I had to call her to tell her I didn't think I'd make our 5:00 appointment. Well, I was only a few minutes late...I signed my plan of coursework. 33 hours and then I'm done. So I think I'll start taking 2 classes each semester and then I can be done by the end of '08. 3 hours down (well almost) and 30 more to go...so 10 classes after this one.
I was supposed to go to Orlando for my friend Heather's bachellorette party, but since I was feeling lousy all week, I didn't make it. I hope they had a good time. I can't wait to hear all the stories and see the pictures.
On the agenda this week: Work, work , work, work, 4 days left...um...I have a workshop tomorrow night for 3 hours, going to do some homework and work on my project a little, um...I think that might be it for this week. If something exciting happens I'll be sure to let you all know!
What have I been up to? Not much, hence the lag in the blogging.
This Allergy season has been a killer! I have had really bad headaches, stuffy, just all around crappy feeling. It was either the allergies or the flu...I had one boy out all week. He went home early one day the week before and just returned to school today. Poor thing! Oh and I have a child with Staph infection too. Fun, fun, fun!
So resting is what I've done. I had to drive over to Tampa on Thursday and man...that drive is horrible! I left my house at 3:50 and did get to my advisors office until after 5:00. I sat on the bridge for nearly 30 minutes. Did not pass Dale Mabry until after 4:40...I know because I had to call her to tell her I didn't think I'd make our 5:00 appointment. Well, I was only a few minutes late...I signed my plan of coursework. 33 hours and then I'm done. So I think I'll start taking 2 classes each semester and then I can be done by the end of '08. 3 hours down (well almost) and 30 more to go...so 10 classes after this one.
I was supposed to go to Orlando for my friend Heather's bachellorette party, but since I was feeling lousy all week, I didn't make it. I hope they had a good time. I can't wait to hear all the stories and see the pictures.
On the agenda this week: Work, work , work, work, 4 days left...um...I have a workshop tomorrow night for 3 hours, going to do some homework and work on my project a little, um...I think that might be it for this week. If something exciting happens I'll be sure to let you all know!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Here I am!
I'm watching American Idol and just love BLAKE!!! He's the blond bebopper. The song he sang last week and his performance tonight were both just great! I just had to pass that along. :-)
So my mom bought me the "Secret" DVD that has become so popular. Oprah had a show about it and that's where she saw it. It's the secret to getting what you want in life. I started watching it earlier, but fell asleep. (I had to teach today as my intern was out and I was exhausted!! Plus I haven't been feeling the greatest for a few days-allergies.) Don't tell her that. I'll try to watch it again tomorrow. I do remember some of it-that I need to emit the energy of what I want and then I'll get it...maybe I can emit the "I want my neighbors to move!!!!!" energy and then they'll do it!!!! One can wish right?!
I'm doing homework tonight and it's a little tough, so I had to take a break since AI is on and Blake did so good!
Saturday I went scrapbooking...hung out with Robin, and Kip and the rest of the gang. Didn't get too much work done. Forgot some pictures at home that I wanted to scrap. But I did start on my cruise pictures from last year. Looking forward to this year's cruise in May!!!
Sunday, Phil and I went to the beach...we froze our butts off! We met some other friends out there and we ended up going inside since it was sooo windy! It was still fun.
So, back to AI and homework...Are you watching? Who do you like? Oh and I like the shaved head guy named Phil too. He's got a great name and I am ooooohhhhh soooooo attracted to bald men!!!!!!! It's so sexy!!!! Ooh and he sings good too! Ok take care all!
So my mom bought me the "Secret" DVD that has become so popular. Oprah had a show about it and that's where she saw it. It's the secret to getting what you want in life. I started watching it earlier, but fell asleep. (I had to teach today as my intern was out and I was exhausted!! Plus I haven't been feeling the greatest for a few days-allergies.) Don't tell her that. I'll try to watch it again tomorrow. I do remember some of it-that I need to emit the energy of what I want and then I'll get it...maybe I can emit the "I want my neighbors to move!!!!!" energy and then they'll do it!!!! One can wish right?!
I'm doing homework tonight and it's a little tough, so I had to take a break since AI is on and Blake did so good!
Saturday I went scrapbooking...hung out with Robin, and Kip and the rest of the gang. Didn't get too much work done. Forgot some pictures at home that I wanted to scrap. But I did start on my cruise pictures from last year. Looking forward to this year's cruise in May!!!
Sunday, Phil and I went to the beach...we froze our butts off! We met some other friends out there and we ended up going inside since it was sooo windy! It was still fun.
So, back to AI and homework...Are you watching? Who do you like? Oh and I like the shaved head guy named Phil too. He's got a great name and I am ooooohhhhh soooooo attracted to bald men!!!!!!! It's so sexy!!!! Ooh and he sings good too! Ok take care all!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
It's been a while!
I know!! I've just been busy.
The house sold. :-(
We've decided to wait a little while until we look into buying a house again, need to get some money saved.
School is same old, same old. I have an intern so I haven't been teaching. Kinda miss the kids! I am still in the room, but let her do everything. She's doing fine. Monday we have an early release day so in the afternoon I am going to work on report cards. FUN!! (not really!) But I have to remember that this is their first report card and this is what the parents look forward to.
I watched the Daytona 500 today-I know many of you are thinking-"Amy-watch a Nascar race." Yes and I only fell asleep for a little bit of it. It got exciting there at the end.
So, I'm cooking a chicken in the crock pot overnight for dinner tomorrow-no Lisa-not the chicken from the shower-that will come soon though. For the rest of you-I'll explain that chicken when I decide to make it.
So, that's really it. I think I'll be scrapping on Saturday...looking forward to that!
Have a good week!
The house sold. :-(
We've decided to wait a little while until we look into buying a house again, need to get some money saved.
School is same old, same old. I have an intern so I haven't been teaching. Kinda miss the kids! I am still in the room, but let her do everything. She's doing fine. Monday we have an early release day so in the afternoon I am going to work on report cards. FUN!! (not really!) But I have to remember that this is their first report card and this is what the parents look forward to.
I watched the Daytona 500 today-I know many of you are thinking-"Amy-watch a Nascar race." Yes and I only fell asleep for a little bit of it. It got exciting there at the end.
So, I'm cooking a chicken in the crock pot overnight for dinner tomorrow-no Lisa-not the chicken from the shower-that will come soon though. For the rest of you-I'll explain that chicken when I decide to make it.
So, that's really it. I think I'll be scrapping on Saturday...looking forward to that!
Have a good week!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Sunday evening
Peanut is already asleep in my lap and I should be doing homework but instead I'm watching TV-Extreme Home Makeover and anxiously awaiting Desperate Housewives!
House update:Phil and I are going forward with the process and if we don't get that house-which chances are probably not-we are going to start looking for a house. Tonight the stomping has been loud!
So this week is Valentine's Day and I bought my sweetie a gift card to Bass Pro Shop. Since I was in Orlando today for my friend Heather's shower brunch-it was very nice Lisa-I told him to tell me something he wanted but his all day fishing on Saturday was exhausting and he was out before 8:30pm, so a gift card it is! I'm also going to go to this really yummy Chocolate shop downtown and pick up some treats.
Ok-time to work on my homework.
Yes- Jules you will be invited and you too Robin!
And no he didn't catch any fish-so we had cheeseburgers instead.
House update:Phil and I are going forward with the process and if we don't get that house-which chances are probably not-we are going to start looking for a house. Tonight the stomping has been loud!
So this week is Valentine's Day and I bought my sweetie a gift card to Bass Pro Shop. Since I was in Orlando today for my friend Heather's shower brunch-it was very nice Lisa-I told him to tell me something he wanted but his all day fishing on Saturday was exhausting and he was out before 8:30pm, so a gift card it is! I'm also going to go to this really yummy Chocolate shop downtown and pick up some treats.
Ok-time to work on my homework.
Yes- Jules you will be invited and you too Robin!
And no he didn't catch any fish-so we had cheeseburgers instead.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Fun night!
We had sooo many laughs last night! Kip took some pics but don't think she'll put them on her blog...I'll try to get her to send them to me and I'll post them on here. We laughed and all got a little closer to each other. A few of us tried this cream that you put on your uhum and it enhances everything...all I can say is yep! Then we all got to play with the toys-not that way-just touch and see what makes it do it's stuff...no we didn't take it out of the room and yes we were fully clothed. Funny how soo many women are purchasing these things. I think men just don't understand that they just aren't getting the job done. Anyway, it was fun, we had straws and a cake to go along with the theme. It was definately "R" rated!
So I called and left a message with my aunt and still haven't heard from her...I have 2 theories-either they closed and she doesn't want to tell me, or (this is really what I think)-that they didn't close, but they are going to take the other offer.
I have a busy day today! I need to go to Tampa and buy my reader for my class and then get to work on my homework. Then I'll do some laundry, and clean up the house...Oh and I might have another card making job coming. A girl I work with is getting married this fall and I mentioned to her that I make invites, so I need to figure out pricing for her and she was going to talk to her fiance this weekend and get back to me...so keep your fingers crossed that I'm hired and that I price it good enough for me to make a decent profit and for her to buy them!
Phil is fishing today, so we may have some yummy fresh fish for dinner tonight! Have a great Saturday!
So I called and left a message with my aunt and still haven't heard from her...I have 2 theories-either they closed and she doesn't want to tell me, or (this is really what I think)-that they didn't close, but they are going to take the other offer.
I have a busy day today! I need to go to Tampa and buy my reader for my class and then get to work on my homework. Then I'll do some laundry, and clean up the house...Oh and I might have another card making job coming. A girl I work with is getting married this fall and I mentioned to her that I make invites, so I need to figure out pricing for her and she was going to talk to her fiance this weekend and get back to me...so keep your fingers crossed that I'm hired and that I price it good enough for me to make a decent profit and for her to buy them!
Phil is fishing today, so we may have some yummy fresh fish for dinner tonight! Have a great Saturday!
Friday, February 09, 2007
The Latest
So now the closing is today by 5pm. My aunt said that if it doesn't close by the end of the day today, then they are open for offers. So, part of me is hoping it doesn't close-for obvious reasons. But the other part of me is stressing big time-gotta sell the condo, gotta get financing, gotta make sure I have money to close, gotta, gotta, gotta!! AGH!!! I know it will all work out whatever way God has planned for us. So if we don't get this house, that just means we can take out time to sell, and look and get financing. I don't doubt that we will be approved for financing, just would like to sell this place and get some kind of money out of it! My aunt and uncle wouldn't have extended the closing if it weren't for the fact that they need it for another project they have-contractors to pay, etc...
Tonight I have somewhere fun to go! I'll be going to an adult toy and accessory party! Hehehe!!! I've never been and I'm sure I'll be blushing and embarrassed but laughing too! Will tell you all about it tomorrow or when ever I blog again!
Tomorrow I will be doing homework and Sunday I have a bridal brunch to go to in Orlando.
Tonight I have somewhere fun to go! I'll be going to an adult toy and accessory party! Hehehe!!! I've never been and I'm sure I'll be blushing and embarrassed but laughing too! Will tell you all about it tomorrow or when ever I blog again!
Tomorrow I will be doing homework and Sunday I have a bridal brunch to go to in Orlando.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Here I sit and can still hear them above me. We had a board meeting on Wednesday and the prez suggested that we form a committee to see what the sounds are and if they are bad or not. If they are bad, then we will look into amending the bylaws, if it's unbearable, then they will have to remove them. I don't think it's fair to ammend the bylaws because someone "lost them and didn't know they couldn't" Oh and he claims that I never told him about the carpet....ARE YOU FU***** KIDDING ME!!!!???? Oh and he says the prez told him that he could put them down-the prez says he never had a conversation about that with him...Anyway, I haven't spoken to anyone here since Weds. and don't look forward to the listening session this Weds...who's to say that the noises they produce on Weds are the same noises that they produce on a normal everyday basis? And how valid is this going to be? Oh and the other people at the meeting claim they hear the person above them and they have carpet...I told them that if they think they can hear them now-just wait until they are allowed to put other flooring in and then see how much they can hear them then! I don't think these people are man enough to stick to our own rules...well they are all gay men so that pretty much explains it! They just want us all to live peacefully...well we would have had they followed the rules!!!
So because of this drama in my life, I've decided that I think I don't want to live in a condo anymore...I have been driving around the neighborhoods and have seen some really cute places and happened to talk to my aunt yesterday and she told me about a house that they own that they have for sale. So I go by and look at it and OMG! It is sooo cute and for a REALLY good price in the area it's in...2/1, huge fenced backyard, hardwood floors, new tile in kitchen, washer, dryer, garage, new blinds-dishwasher-fans, etc...just precious! So I call her back and tell ask her how much is it and she tells me and then says they were supposed to close on Friday for it, but the guys' financing didn't go through, but it could go through on Mon. Well, I take Phil by and he loves it too...I called her back today and said if he can't come up with financing, hold it for me and we will start the processing for my house to sell and for me to get financing...My mom's not too happy because she wants me to have a ring before we do anything like that. I agree and have told Phil that I don't have a commitment yet from him and I'll continue to drop hints to him about it...
But that house may not go through since the guy can come back on Monday and have financing but I am still going to go through the paperwork to see what I can get so if we see another house I'll be ready...
Phil is ready to get the truck loaded up and move in tomorrow, but I keep telling him that it's not that simple...the process is long and I can't do anything unless this place sells and can use the money as a down payment. So...that's the latest. I'll keep you posted! I'm not holding my breath, but it'd be nice to move onward.
So with that-enjoy the superbowl! I don't care who wins...just like the comercials, and the food at the party!
So because of this drama in my life, I've decided that I think I don't want to live in a condo anymore...I have been driving around the neighborhoods and have seen some really cute places and happened to talk to my aunt yesterday and she told me about a house that they own that they have for sale. So I go by and look at it and OMG! It is sooo cute and for a REALLY good price in the area it's in...2/1, huge fenced backyard, hardwood floors, new tile in kitchen, washer, dryer, garage, new blinds-dishwasher-fans, etc...just precious! So I call her back and tell ask her how much is it and she tells me and then says they were supposed to close on Friday for it, but the guys' financing didn't go through, but it could go through on Mon. Well, I take Phil by and he loves it too...I called her back today and said if he can't come up with financing, hold it for me and we will start the processing for my house to sell and for me to get financing...My mom's not too happy because she wants me to have a ring before we do anything like that. I agree and have told Phil that I don't have a commitment yet from him and I'll continue to drop hints to him about it...
But that house may not go through since the guy can come back on Monday and have financing but I am still going to go through the paperwork to see what I can get so if we see another house I'll be ready...
Phil is ready to get the truck loaded up and move in tomorrow, but I keep telling him that it's not that simple...the process is long and I can't do anything unless this place sells and can use the money as a down payment. So...that's the latest. I'll keep you posted! I'm not holding my breath, but it'd be nice to move onward.
So with that-enjoy the superbowl! I don't care who wins...just like the comercials, and the food at the party!
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