Monday, November 26, 2007

Walking the weight off

That's what I am hoping to do. Yesterday I got up and went walking. I ended up at Kip's and then home 2 hours later. Later I drove what I walked and it was 4 miles. WOW! Then I ate Pizza and garlic knots. YUMMY!!! I know, I know...but at least I walked all that first!

Today I wore my pedometer and it broke mid day-it was on the fritz anyway...but after school I took Peanut for a walk. We didn't end up at Kip's but we ended up walking 3 miles...

Peanut was a little tired! She had to be carried some of the way. Along the way we found a tennis ball and Peanut was thrilled. She carried it some of the way and we played a little fetch while walking.

Now dinner is in the oven and she is still playing with that tennis ball. It was a long day today at school, but I'm glad to be getting back into the groove. My kids were pretty good today too and we got some assessments done today.

Tomorrow I think I'll leave Peanut at home and I'll go for that 3 mile walk again...oh and I'll have to go get a new pedometer too.

1 comment:

Robin said...

hey walking's great, but running's better!
