Even though this summer has had some hard times, I have enjoyed my time doing absolutely nothing!
I didn't tell you but, I went up to North Carolina in the middle of July for a little over a week. I had been really stressed out with everything going on with Peanut, and then Phil and I had a tiff...so I was talking to my mom and about things and crying to her, and she told me to come with them to NC-the next day-Sunday. Originally, I was to "babysit" my 19 1/2 year old brother while they were away so he wouldn't have any parties, but she said it'd be ok and I should come with them. Then it dawned on me that my final paper and presentation for my one class was due that Wednesday and my for my other class I had a final exam. So I called my professor and told her that I needed to get away, and I'd email her my paper if that'd be ok. She said sure no problem. So, I told my mom that there would be no way I could do my paper before the next day, so she said they'd wait until Monday morning. Sunday morning, I woke up at 7am and got right to work, finished my final exam and other items due for the one class and then started the dreaded research paper citing 8-10 research studies...UGH!!! I started working on it around 11:30am and did not finish it until 3:30am!! But I got it done and had no worries! I could leave for NC in the morning at 6:30am and not have one thing to stress about. I sent my professor my items and that was that. Or so I thought!
Off to NC...Peanut, me, grandma, mom and my step-dad. I slept most of the way up there and decided this would be a great time away from everything. I gave my professor my # in case there was a problem but wouldn't you know, we had no reception. On Wednesday we were headed to our next cabin and we stopped at some shops along the way-I found an internet cafe and decided I better email my professor to let her know that I had no reception, well she emailed me that she hadn't recieved my paper! AHG!!! I quickly emailed my neighbor describing exactly what to do to email her my paper. Then decided I better call him too. Needless to say, after quite a bit of walking him through things, he finally sent it on it's way. Thank goodness!
Peanut and I (and everyone else) had such a relaxing time. No phone service, only 1 TV channel, and secluded in the woods. We had really cool weather and even got COLD at night. Here are some pictures of us and our adventures.
she often would leave the cabin and sit on the porch. Isn't she a cutie!
Here she is feeling free as a bird.
She had no fears to leave to porch and would just wander off. At one point, my mom and grandma were worried that she'd take off down the road and my mom didn't want to have another emergency with her.
I finally had to tie her up so she wouldn't run away.
Here I am at the local brewery. Very neat place. Bill and I each bought our own jug of beer. This picture was taken at our 2nd visit to the brewery. We went the day before-Friday-and decided we need to fill our jugs again before heading home. They were closed, Sunday and Monday so we had to head back on Saturday. That meant we had to finish our jugs on Friday. Each jug holds a little under a 6-pack.
This is the first cabin we stayed at in Murphy, NC. My mom works with the lady who owns the cabin. We stayed here from Monday to Wednesday. It was a very nice cabin. We each had our own room and bathroom. All the amenities-washer, dryer, beautiful porch, etc. but no reception for the TV. We watched some movies.
Here we are in front of the 2nd cabin near Waynesville, NC. We stayed here from Wednesday to Monday. There is more to do closer to this cabin. Downtown Waynesville was very cute and quaint. We were close to Cherokee, Maggie Valley, and Sylva-where the brewery is. My younger brother friend's parents own this cabin. They had 1 TV channel and had a phone, but only 1 bathroom and 2 bedrooms. But hey, you can't complain when it's free-right!
Amy those cabins look wonderful! so relaxing, peaceful country for sure. I have never spent time in NC. I have driven through, on the way to somewhere else. Glad you got to relax after all the stress with Peanut.
good luck with your paper.
Happy Birthday!
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