Here we are listening to Lorrie talk about the meaning marriage. She did a wonderful job marrying us. We were her first ceremony and you would have never guessed! Phil did have tears in his eyes when I came down the aisle. It was so sweet. I smiled the entire time and teared up when Caroline sang beautifully.

Announcing...Mr. and Mrs. Matthews!
This shot I love. I was playing with Phil's toes since he was so nervous and was trying to get him to look at me some. He was listening intently to Lorrie.
We partied into the night. Then we woke to smoke in our room. There was a 4 alarm fire 2 buildings over from ours. We had to evacuate the hotel and ended up going home to sleep for a few hours since we live close. Then we got up and went back to the hotel to get our things and head to Miami to get on our Honeymoon Cruise.
I'll post some reception pictures soon! I need to get them off the photographer's website.
Here's some pictures from our Cruise. We went to Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and St. Martin/St. Marteen. Wonderful!! The water was so clear and so blue. In St. Thomas, we had a few Bushwakers-our cruise director told us to only have one because at 2 we may not make it back on the boat. Well, we had 4 and we made it back on the ship. Our room was amazing. We had a balcony room-I will never go back! The cruise was long, so when we got bored we would grab some drinks or a bottle of wine and sit on the balcony and relax.
St. Thomas pics:
This is a view of the beach we are at in the above picture.
Awwww!!! Same spot overlooking the beach in the above picture.
This was the first Bushwaker of the day before hitting the beach in the above picture.
Stay tuned for Puerto Rico, St. Martin and reception pictures.
Thank you! I'm glad you updated! I told you balcony rooms were da bomb!
SOOOOOOOOOO glad you updated! I have been waiting patiently! Awesome..... :-)
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