Friday, August 01, 2008


Where do I begin? Well, let's see...

my computer has a virus...
I started working on the invitations...on the computer with the virus...
I am PMSing...
Need I say more????!!!!!

So I somehow got a virus on my computer. I looked it up and it's a low risk that's good and it seemed simple enough to get rid of. So I do what it says to get rid of it. One step says to put the computer in safe mode...I do it...and can't log in to my computer. Said computer is not owned by me. It is school property so I call the help desk. The girl tries to get me out of safe mode but to no avail. She tells me I can bring it in and they can look at it. So I do...Not so sure that was a good thing as I was kind of shunned when I walked in (another post). Anyway I am computerless. I am feeling violated as they needed my password to get into the system and since this is a school computer I was to use it for school only. HA! I have pictures of naked men on there. Only kidding. But I do have some pictures of my personal life and of Peanut's accident on there and need those for the case when we go to trial...

I borrowed my laptop from school to help ease the pain of not having a computer, and it won't connect to the internet...AGH!!!!!! Phil and I have tried everything we can think of but to no avail.

Oh and the invitations too... I started working on them (on the borrowed laptop) and a monogram too. Well, I don't have that anymore. I now have to start all over from scratch. But the borrowed laptop won't connect to the wireless router and therefore can't connect to our wireless how am I to print the invites???

I'm PMSing...need I say any more?!

So there you go...Questions???

Yes, Phil has been very supportive by saying I can't wait for your period to be over! I keep reminding him that my period is not why I am having a breakdown!

Yes, Phil has been very supportive and even looked into purchasing Microsoft Office for his computer so I can keep working on the invitations. Way too expensive...

Yes, Phil has been very supportive by still telling me he loves me. I know I am driving him crazy but what am I to do???

1 comment:

Robin said...

I know, go to dinner with a friend!