Just can't wait to get on the road again...
That's right-we got a new car!! Here's a picture.

It's a 2007 Chrysler Pacifica with less than 4000 miles. We got it for a GREAT price from Carmax. If you haven't had experience with Carmax, the next car you buy should be from them. There is no haggling and we weren't pressured to buy. Plus they even bought my car!! Yes, the broken one with a transmission that doesn't work. They gave us $1000 for it! I couldn't believe it! It's much more than what we would have gotten for it if we had an ad in the paper.
It drives so smooth and has sooo much room. Perfect for a family (which we will hopefully have in the very near future).
My name is Chris and I am the social media PR guy at the CarMax home office. Google Alerts notified me of your blog posting mentioning us. I love to read blogs from happy customers! Thanks also for recommending us to your firends!
nice new ride! clots of room for peanut and others to come. miss ya! hugs!
Love it amy!!
congratulations! looks great, I like those cars. Glad you are sporting new wheels!
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