Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Resting comfortably...

Peanut is resting on her bed. She looks sooo much better that the last time she had surgery!! No drains this time, but staples across most of her back. She came home and actually ran in the house. She has barked a few times too, but I think that must hurt, because after the first bark, the second bark gets much weaker.

She has a few days of pain pills and will have a recheck in about a week to get the staples out.

We are planning on sleeping on the floor tonight. Not really looking forward to that, but I'm afraid between Phil and I we may roll over wrong and hurt her. Once Phil leaves for work tomorrow we will be jumping on the bed. I've taken 2 days off work to make sure she is ok. Oh and he is going away for the weekend, so we can have the bed to ourselves this weekend.

I wanted to go scrapbooking for a few hours this weekend and I still may, but I need to see how she is doing on Friday. I stopped at Blockbuster before I picked her up and got a few movies to keep me busy. I also have some books. I know I could work on the wedding stuff, but there isn't anything I can do right now. We had a little bit of luck dress shopping on Sunday. We found one dress that would be perfect, but it didn't come in brown. Big Bummer!!

Well, thanks for your well wishes for Peanut. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, April 28, 2008

One Word

I got this from my friend on Myspace...
Not as easy as you might think.
It's really hard to only use one word answers.

1. Where is your cell phone? ..............couch
2. Your significant other?..................Phil
3. Your hair? ..........................................ponytail
4. Your mother? .....................................kind
5. Your father?........................................(for me I'll answer step dad) great
6. Your favorite thing?............................beach
7. Your dream last night?........................none
8. Your favorite drink? .......................water
9. Your dream/goal?...............................healhy
10. The room you're in?
11. Your ex?..........................................alcoholic
12. Your fear?..........................................attack
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years......motherhood
14. Where were you last night?..............home
15. What you're not?.................................slim
16. Muffins?...........................................chocolate chip
17. One of your wish list items?.............debt free
18. Where you grew up?
19. The last thing you did?.......................myspace
20. What are you wearing?...................... clothes
21. Your TV?..............................................on
22. Your pets?............................................ Peanut
23. Your computer? .................................essential
24. Your life?.............................................crazy
25. Your mood?..........................................blah
26. Missing someone?..............................nope
27. Your car?............................................old
28. Something you're not wearing?
29. Favorite Store?...............................Ann Taylor
30. Your summer?....................................lounging
31. Like someone?....................................sure
32. Your favorite color?

Ok, so I didn't use 1 word for some, but I did for most of them. Now you try!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

A little relief

Today Peanut had her CT scan. The doctor called a little afternoon to report that everything went well. It doesn't appear to be into her chest cavity and should just be a little under the surface. He says there's only 1% chance that it could be in her chest cavity. Whew!! I am so relieved to know that it should be minor. Of course the estimate has gone down considerably as well. That's another huge relief! She will have surgery on Tuesday so say your prayers that all goes well. He even said she may be able to go home that day! Or just a one night stay, depending on how she recovers.

The wedding planning continues to progress. Not sure if I told you, but I booked a DJ and the girl that's doing my flowers gave me a lower rate than before since I want things simple, yet elegant. I need all the help I can get to cut costs! I am going to sit down this weekend and see what's next to do...I already know, but need to figure out when to do the dates!! Gotta figure out a time when Phil and I can go to the beach and take some pics to use with the save the dates. I have tentative plans to go dress shopping with Robin on Sunday so hopefully we can figure out a bridesmaids dress option.

Keep Peanut in your prayers that she can make it through this and not have to visit the vet for anything other than vaccines!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This weekend I noticed that Peanut started getting another abscess in the same spot as usual. My heart just sank knowing that surgery was coming. I waited until this morning to call the vet in case I was dreaming it was there. We had to see a different vet since the one that operated on Peanut is off until Friday. He said surgery is inevitable. He recommended getting a CT scan to see what it is that's not draining fully. That has to be done at a vet specialist office. They gave me the numbers and sent me on my way with some antibiotics to stop the infection. As soon as I got in the car I called and got an appointment for tomorrow morning for a consultation with a surgeon. At that time the surgeon will evaluate Peanut and decide the course of action to be done. I plan on getting the estimate and then...

once we leave there, I have to go to mediation with my attorney and the pit bull's owner. I sure hope he steps up and takes some responsibility for this. The bills keep adding up. I'll bring the estimate along and tack it to the total bill!

Please pray for Peanut and I to make it through this. My hope is to have this debt paid off, and have many more years with my girl, Peanut! Most especially the latter of the 2!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Whinning and men

My poor dear is sick in bed. He came home from work today complaining that he was getting sick. Then I hear him moaning and groaning and whining. Men sure are whimps when they are sick! He got the chills and we had to turn off all fans-I am sweating!!! Then he takes a hot shower because he is cold, gets on long pants, long sleeves, and under 2 comforters, still moaning and groaning the entire time. I, being the good future wife, take his temp, give him meds, and make him drink and eat. He started off with a 99 temp, then 100.4, then 101 then 100.6 I'm hoping it will keep going down.

I think the last time I was sick like this, he didn't want to get sick so only brought me gatoraid and left.

I know, I know. Men are different from women and can't handle being sick.

On a different note, I think I found a DJ. Robin and I are going to look at Bridesmaid dresses on Sunday and I'm trying to find someone to do my makeup for the wedding so I have a few calls out for that. It seems to be coming along. We have a tight budget so we are trying to keep things simple but fun and different. I'm getting excited to have some more things to check off my list! I just need to keep things moving!

Off to tend to my sicko. It's medicine and temperature time.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lazy Weekend!

I did absolutely nothing this weekend and loved every minute of it! Ok well, I did do something. I babysat for my 3 month old cousin (the one born premature) for a few hours while my aunt and uncle celebrated their 3 year old daughter's birthday at the park. She is such a cutie and was awake the entire time I was there. That was fine with me. I may have a summer job with them as a nanny for a few days too.

I also got my hair cut and did laundry but other than that, the couch is where I spent most of the weekend!

On the wedding front:
I have booked a guy to play steel drums for our ceremony. I am still looking at bridesmaid dresses as I haven't found any that I really like. I am in the process of looking for a DJ so if you know of anyone, please pass along the info!! There sure are a lot of "I's" in this wedding planning aren't there?!! Hmmm...will have to work on that! Anywho, I am trying to plan out the details of things for the ceremony and know...the little things that will make it more personal. I need to get Phil to commit to a night to take some pics at the beach so we can get a move on our Save the Dates. Maybe this week.

For now, I'm back in the groove with school and it looks as though I'll be loosing a child this week. He used his hands a little too much to solve his problems...if you know what I mean. I am sad to see him go as I've seen him learn so much this year and have a place in my heart for him. I know it's nothing I have done as I haven't raised him for the last 5 years and it isn't anything that he learned in the class, but it's still hard. I feel as though I've failed in something.

Oh and another thing-I go to mediation on the 23rd. I am hopeful that the dog owner will give up some money so I can pay these bills!! I don't look forward to reliving that day, but know it's essential in the case against the dog owner.

Have a great week!