That's how long its been since I last posted. Those of you that still read my blog are well aware of the fact that I am pregnant. I am now in my 7th month or 30 weeks. I am really feeling the weight. My back aches, my feet ache at the end of the day and I am just really tired. Today I am really grouchy! I just want to lay down and cry. But that's what I want to do many days...nothing out of the ordinary. The tears are unbelievable while being pregnant! I cry all the time...over everything...crazy emotions!
We still have our condo for sale and we may have an offer coming in next week. Someone came by today and loved it!!! Yippee! Her mom would be buying it for her and wants to take a look too and had many questions about the place. Keep those fingers crossed that this is the one! Then the stress is where will we live? An apartment? Buy a house? Live with my parents? Not really excited to be moving so close to my due date, but would love to sell the place!
I'll try not to let 6 months pass before updating again...but in 2 months I'll have a baby in my arms and may neglect the blog once again...
Friday, December 18, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Summer is here...
And boy is it ever hot! Of course, my girl, Peanut loves sitting in the sun. So I try to take her out as much as I can bear.
I am doing homework for the next 3-4 weeks. Have I started on my research papers? NO! I know, I know, get a move on. I have big plans for next week...homework every day!!
I had a very productive end of the year and was able to pack up my entire room before 10 am the day after the kids were finished. Everyone was shocked. I wasn't. That was my goal. The movers came in and started taking all of my stuff out to the storage area. I am really excited to see my new classroom and how decked out in technology it will be.
I had some training last week for a technology program I will be in during the year. I learned how to make a podcast, movies, interactive power points. We are getting some really neat things. Can't wait to try it with my new class...ok, I can wait.
I wish there was more to report...soon...I hope. Stay tuned...
I am doing homework for the next 3-4 weeks. Have I started on my research papers? NO! I know, I know, get a move on. I have big plans for next week...homework every day!!
I had a very productive end of the year and was able to pack up my entire room before 10 am the day after the kids were finished. Everyone was shocked. I wasn't. That was my goal. The movers came in and started taking all of my stuff out to the storage area. I am really excited to see my new classroom and how decked out in technology it will be.
I had some training last week for a technology program I will be in during the year. I learned how to make a podcast, movies, interactive power points. We are getting some really neat things. Can't wait to try it with my new class...ok, I can wait.
I wish there was more to report...soon...I hope. Stay tuned...
Sunday, May 03, 2009
You had to be there...
Saturday morning, Phil and I headed down to Ringling Museum for my cousin's wedding. It was a very lovely garden wedding and with less than 50 people attending. Odd for my family. But it was very nice. Hot, but nice.
After the wedding Phil and I checked in at our hotel and headed to the reception at Ceviche. YUM!!!!! OMG!!!! YUM!!!!!
My aunt and uncle got a room too but, he and the kids came down with the flu so it was just my aunt at the wedding and reception. Well, somehow she talked my other aunts and mom into staying and partying that night with Phil and I. They had no extra clothes, no makeup, nothing.
With a stop at the local goodwill for some sleep clothes and going out clothes, they were finally all set. The stop at goodwill was story enough. Phil was the only male amongst all of us women and we have this ongoing joke that all of my aunts are his "bitches." From my "cougar" aunts to hoochie mama shorts...oh my!
We all changed and took the hotel bus to a local resturant to meet up with my uncle and aunt(whose son got married) for dinner and drinks. The place we went to was a little on the classy side, and our goodwill outfits...haha! Many laughs and stories.
This morning, we all got up and went to breakfast after they had a knock on their door from a neighboring hotel guest at 7am to ask them to quiet down. They were no where near as loud this morning as we were last night!
Just a lot of fun and laughs! Phil was a good sport!
I guess you had to be there!
After the wedding Phil and I checked in at our hotel and headed to the reception at Ceviche. YUM!!!!! OMG!!!! YUM!!!!!
My aunt and uncle got a room too but, he and the kids came down with the flu so it was just my aunt at the wedding and reception. Well, somehow she talked my other aunts and mom into staying and partying that night with Phil and I. They had no extra clothes, no makeup, nothing.
With a stop at the local goodwill for some sleep clothes and going out clothes, they were finally all set. The stop at goodwill was story enough. Phil was the only male amongst all of us women and we have this ongoing joke that all of my aunts are his "bitches." From my "cougar" aunts to hoochie mama shorts...oh my!
We all changed and took the hotel bus to a local resturant to meet up with my uncle and aunt(whose son got married) for dinner and drinks. The place we went to was a little on the classy side, and our goodwill outfits...haha! Many laughs and stories.
This morning, we all got up and went to breakfast after they had a knock on their door from a neighboring hotel guest at 7am to ask them to quiet down. They were no where near as loud this morning as we were last night!
Just a lot of fun and laughs! Phil was a good sport!
I guess you had to be there!
Friday, May 01, 2009
Here I am!
I've been missing!! I was found under my computer and stack of research papers.
I was taking 2 classes this semester towards my Master's and they were kicking my butt! I barely had time to breathe this semester. But, I have finally finished...this semester that is. I have 4 classes left and will be taking 2 of them this summer.
So, you are probably wondering what else I have been up to. I am enjoying my husband and being married. He has been soo patient with me and my crazy schedule.
I had an intern this semester that was less than par, but from what I hear, he is graduating and has already applied to teach. Kind of disappointing, but it was out of my hands.
Stay with me on this one...My step-dad's mom's boyfriend, but was once married to her sister, so he is technically his still with me?...his name is Pete. Well, Pete is/was a wonderful man. He put the floors down and the french doors in my place. He built an addition onto our house when I was a kid. He was a great handyman. He loved his mom like no other man had done before. He was patient, funny, and lived life to it's fullest.
Pete passed away last night, Thursday, April 30. He had a stroke in February and never recovered. They tried everything they could, but he was gone long ago. They tried one last thing and he wasn't responding, so they knew the time had come. The papers were signed and many, many tears were shed as we stood by and watched him pass away. I have never seen death the way I saw it last night, and hope I never have to witness it again. It was all very surreal. We watched the lines on the monitors flatline and the numbers drop. We wept as this man we all cared for slipped away. Prayers were said for a fast journey to heaven, there would be no other place for him that's for sure.
I was more emotional than I thought I would be. But, I think my pain was for Marion, my step-dad's mom. I watched her as she uncontrollably wept holding tightly to his hand. I don't know what I would do if Phil were to suddenly die and I had to stand by and watch him leave me. This is the closest to having a family member pass away I have ever had. I know more will come as it is inevitable. I'm not sure what is worse, watching someone die or not getting to say goodbye to them. Maybe they are equally painful.
Pete and Marion danced the night away at our wedding. I know he is dancing in heaven and is looking forward to dancing with Marion again!
I was taking 2 classes this semester towards my Master's and they were kicking my butt! I barely had time to breathe this semester. But, I have finally finished...this semester that is. I have 4 classes left and will be taking 2 of them this summer.
So, you are probably wondering what else I have been up to. I am enjoying my husband and being married. He has been soo patient with me and my crazy schedule.
I had an intern this semester that was less than par, but from what I hear, he is graduating and has already applied to teach. Kind of disappointing, but it was out of my hands.
Stay with me on this one...My step-dad's mom's boyfriend, but was once married to her sister, so he is technically his still with me?...his name is Pete. Well, Pete is/was a wonderful man. He put the floors down and the french doors in my place. He built an addition onto our house when I was a kid. He was a great handyman. He loved his mom like no other man had done before. He was patient, funny, and lived life to it's fullest.
Pete passed away last night, Thursday, April 30. He had a stroke in February and never recovered. They tried everything they could, but he was gone long ago. They tried one last thing and he wasn't responding, so they knew the time had come. The papers were signed and many, many tears were shed as we stood by and watched him pass away. I have never seen death the way I saw it last night, and hope I never have to witness it again. It was all very surreal. We watched the lines on the monitors flatline and the numbers drop. We wept as this man we all cared for slipped away. Prayers were said for a fast journey to heaven, there would be no other place for him that's for sure.
I was more emotional than I thought I would be. But, I think my pain was for Marion, my step-dad's mom. I watched her as she uncontrollably wept holding tightly to his hand. I don't know what I would do if Phil were to suddenly die and I had to stand by and watch him leave me. This is the closest to having a family member pass away I have ever had. I know more will come as it is inevitable. I'm not sure what is worse, watching someone die or not getting to say goodbye to them. Maybe they are equally painful.
Pete and Marion danced the night away at our wedding. I know he is dancing in heaven and is looking forward to dancing with Marion again!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I'm married!
Here I am! What a wonderful day we had for our wedding! The weather was perfect and all of our friends and family were there to help share in our day. Here's a few pitcures from our day.
Here are my brothers. They read a poem about hands. I loved it when I saw it and wanted them to be a part of the wedding so I knew this would be perfect for them. They did a great job!
Here we are listening to Lorrie talk about the meaning marriage. She did a wonderful job marrying us. We were her first ceremony and you would have never guessed! Phil did have tears in his eyes when I came down the aisle. It was so sweet. I smiled the entire time and teared up when Caroline sang beautifully.

Announcing...Mr. and Mrs. Matthews!
This shot I love. I was playing with Phil's toes since he was so nervous and was trying to get him to look at me some. He was listening intently to Lorrie.
We partied into the night. Then we woke to smoke in our room. There was a 4 alarm fire 2 buildings over from ours. We had to evacuate the hotel and ended up going home to sleep for a few hours since we live close. Then we got up and went back to the hotel to get our things and head to Miami to get on our Honeymoon Cruise.
I'll post some reception pictures soon! I need to get them off the photographer's website.
Here's some pictures from our Cruise. We went to Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and St. Martin/St. Marteen. Wonderful!! The water was so clear and so blue. In St. Thomas, we had a few Bushwakers-our cruise director told us to only have one because at 2 we may not make it back on the boat. Well, we had 4 and we made it back on the ship. Our room was amazing. We had a balcony room-I will never go back! The cruise was long, so when we got bored we would grab some drinks or a bottle of wine and sit on the balcony and relax.
St. Thomas pics:
This is a view of the beach we are at in the above picture.
Awwww!!! Same spot overlooking the beach in the above picture.
This was the first Bushwaker of the day before hitting the beach in the above picture.
Stay tuned for Puerto Rico, St. Martin and reception pictures.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So much has happened since the last post!
The RAYS in the World Series!
Only 15 days until the wedding!
It's all so amazing! The rays spirit is definately alive in our house. Phil and I have been diligently watching the games and even ventured out to Ferg's to watch one of the games. Just to be here in the heart of it all is awesome! This city has come alive and of course everything is RAYS and BLUE! Each week, during the post-season, we have had Crazy Rays day at school. The kids have been allowed to paint their hair blue, wear a "Rayshawk" and wear temporary tatoos. The kids have loved it. There have been many cowbells at school on those days and of course those horns.
On the wedding front...I had an awesome shower at Robin's! The girls went all out and it was just what I was hoping for! We got lots of great gifts and I'm dying to open them and use them but we are waiting.
There are only 15 days left! I had my hair trial yesterday and it was interesting! She really curled my hair and it was a little much for me. Haven't seen my hair curly in a LONG time! We will work on the hair and I'm not worried. It will be perfect!
Also picked up some paper to start cutting for the guest book. Kip's going to take pictures of the guests as they arrive and each guest can write us a message or sign their name. Then I'll take the pics and put them in an album with the messages from our guests.
We met with Lorrie-our officiant and my good friend. I wrote out the ceremony and it was so nice to check that one off my list. Remaining on the list: buy cake servers, pay the vendors, get the card box ready, wrap my girls' gifts, deciding on our girls' day before, figure out where everyone is sitting (I dread that task!) and a few other little things...
I'm getting really excited and I'm especially looking forward to the honeymoon to be able to relax!
This weekend though, Robin, my mom and her friend are going to Mount Dora for our annual craft fair shopping day. We're meeting at 5:15am and will not return home until after dark. I am excited!!! I always look forward to going.
Not sure when I'll post again...maybe when I'm Mrs. Matthews?!
The RAYS in the World Series!
Only 15 days until the wedding!
It's all so amazing! The rays spirit is definately alive in our house. Phil and I have been diligently watching the games and even ventured out to Ferg's to watch one of the games. Just to be here in the heart of it all is awesome! This city has come alive and of course everything is RAYS and BLUE! Each week, during the post-season, we have had Crazy Rays day at school. The kids have been allowed to paint their hair blue, wear a "Rayshawk" and wear temporary tatoos. The kids have loved it. There have been many cowbells at school on those days and of course those horns.
On the wedding front...I had an awesome shower at Robin's! The girls went all out and it was just what I was hoping for! We got lots of great gifts and I'm dying to open them and use them but we are waiting.
There are only 15 days left! I had my hair trial yesterday and it was interesting! She really curled my hair and it was a little much for me. Haven't seen my hair curly in a LONG time! We will work on the hair and I'm not worried. It will be perfect!
Also picked up some paper to start cutting for the guest book. Kip's going to take pictures of the guests as they arrive and each guest can write us a message or sign their name. Then I'll take the pics and put them in an album with the messages from our guests.
We met with Lorrie-our officiant and my good friend. I wrote out the ceremony and it was so nice to check that one off my list. Remaining on the list: buy cake servers, pay the vendors, get the card box ready, wrap my girls' gifts, deciding on our girls' day before, figure out where everyone is sitting (I dread that task!) and a few other little things...
I'm getting really excited and I'm especially looking forward to the honeymoon to be able to relax!
This weekend though, Robin, my mom and her friend are going to Mount Dora for our annual craft fair shopping day. We're meeting at 5:15am and will not return home until after dark. I am excited!!! I always look forward to going.
Not sure when I'll post again...maybe when I'm Mrs. Matthews?!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
One month left!
Yikes! It's getting soo close!
Boston was a blast! We all had soo much fun and laughed quite a bit. It rained all weekend but that didn't dampen the fun. We had many tasty drinks and took in the sights of Boston and Providence. Cari showed us the town and was a great tour guide! As soon as I get everyone pics I'll post the ones I can...
My shower is this weekend and I'm getting excited! It'll be at Robin's house-THANK YOU ROBIN!!
Now if people would just send back their RSVP's for the wedding I'd be a happy camper! We still have several out and Phil thinks we will just tell them they can't come...I tried to explain that they may just show up and we won't have food or seats for I'll be making a few (several) phone calls next week!
We have a cake tasting on Saturday and my dress fitting next weekend. We are getting our marriage license next week too. I picked up the favors today and am getting together with Faylene for my flowers this week or next. It's all coming together and though I'm a little worried, I am trying to stay positive and not let the little things get to me. I know I need to keep thinking that way.
Boston was a blast! We all had soo much fun and laughed quite a bit. It rained all weekend but that didn't dampen the fun. We had many tasty drinks and took in the sights of Boston and Providence. Cari showed us the town and was a great tour guide! As soon as I get everyone pics I'll post the ones I can...
My shower is this weekend and I'm getting excited! It'll be at Robin's house-THANK YOU ROBIN!!
Now if people would just send back their RSVP's for the wedding I'd be a happy camper! We still have several out and Phil thinks we will just tell them they can't come...I tried to explain that they may just show up and we won't have food or seats for I'll be making a few (several) phone calls next week!
We have a cake tasting on Saturday and my dress fitting next weekend. We are getting our marriage license next week too. I picked up the favors today and am getting together with Faylene for my flowers this week or next. It's all coming together and though I'm a little worried, I am trying to stay positive and not let the little things get to me. I know I need to keep thinking that way.
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