I forgot to send my invitations for the wedding. That's what my dream was the other night! It was the day before the wedding and I didn't send them out. I had to call all my guests and make sure they were coming.
I sure hope that doesn't happen in real life. I've been on wedding planning mode for the last week or so. Looking up a ton of things online-favor ideas, invitation ideas, bridesmaid dresses, etc.
Today we had Easter lunch at my aunt's house. We rode our bikes over since she lives closeby. We strapped the salad to the back of Phil's bike and made our way over. Of course when it was time to leave, our bellies were full and we had to ride home.
My family is funny! They were talking about how they all get along and if they do not agree with each other, they get over it and move on. They don't usually hold onto something for too long. Anyway they were planning to have a big family blow up for our wedding and were going through the different scenerios of what to fight about. They thought it would add more excitement to our wedding. Of course they were joking but it was funny listening to them plan it out.
We are going camping this coming weekend. My aunt and uncle and their family are going to Ginnie Springs and Phil and I decided to go too. We will go up on Saturday morning and come back late on Sunday. They are letting us use their tent so we just need our sleeping bags and other camping essentials. I am looking forward to going away, even if it is for one night. It will be a nice start to Spring Break!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Bubble gum medicine and wedding progress
Was I the only one that called it that as a kid? I always loved getting that medicine when I was sick. Then one time I got it and it tasted funny. I think they changed the formula.
Well, Peanut can't have it. She vomited 3 out of the four times she had it. I called the Dr. again yesterday and they said to take her off of it and see how she does on the other medicine. So far so good! I sure do hate having to clean her sore, it's starting to close up and I have to keep going in and injecting peroxide in it and then the ointment after that. Poor thing. She sure hates it! At least she's not vomiting any more.
Here's a picture of her when I first got her. She was soooo skinny and peuny looking!

I think we are hiring a photographer. She lives in Naples. Only charges $50 and hour! She is trying to get into the wedding biz. Right now she takes baby and family photos. We have been emailing back and forth and she has been very helpful. Today she emailed me some of the photos she's taken and they are really nice. She has an artistic touch to her photos and from the photos I've seen has an eye for detail.
Tomorrow is Friday! My favorite day! I'll be headed to a friend of the family's retirement party after school. She was put back into the classroom this year, since her position was cut, after being out of it for probably the last 15-20 years. She sure wasn't happy about that so she is retiring. Her last day is the Friday before spring break starts and she won't be back after the break. She teaches Kindergarten too and I don't know if I'd be able to walk away like that mid year or so late in the year. I think I'd want to carry them the rest of the way. Oh well, she is ready and good for her!
Have a happy Easter on Sunday!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Here we go again!
Back to the vet. Peanut had an abscess form again and has had one on and off for the last few months. Recently it disappeared and I thought, finally they are healed!!
Nope-last week, I felt one forming again. I took her to the vet yesterday and they confirmed it is another abscess. They shaved the area, cleaned it out (gross) and sent her home with lots of medicine. This time I have to drain the area with peroxide and insert an ointment into the wound. Yuck! But I will do it with care as she is my girl and anything to help her get better!
They also said that if the infection doesn't go away, they will have to go back in and open her up to see why the drain isn't healing right and why there is an infection continuing.
So we go home, Peanut is thrilled to be out of there, I'm nervous again about the possibility of surgery again, but hopeful that the anitbiotics will work.
I give Peanut her medicine around 6pm last night and clean her wounds as directed. I could see the lethargy setting in. She was drowsy from 7pm on. Around 7:30 I bring her on the couch to snuggle with her as this was a pretty stressful afternoon. She was fine and sleeping comfortably when around 8:30, she jumps off the couch and goes back in the bedroom. I see what she's up to and notice that she had vomited. The concerned mama that I am calls the vet to see what's up.
They told me to try it again tomorrow and make sure she has food in her stomach and give her the meds after she had eaten.
This morning she has her energy back and ate her food just fine, I give her the meds and clean her wounds, then head off to work. I am hoping to come home to no vomit and a dog still living.
Well, 1 out of 2 isn't bad. She's still alive, but there was vomit. AGH!!! I called the vet after cleaning up the mess and am waiting to hear back as to what to do next. I did give her some food since she threw it all up earlier today. I am hoping that they will change her meds to something different or reduce the amount she is getting.
I will be sure to add this to the bills for the pit bull's owner!!!
Nope-last week, I felt one forming again. I took her to the vet yesterday and they confirmed it is another abscess. They shaved the area, cleaned it out (gross) and sent her home with lots of medicine. This time I have to drain the area with peroxide and insert an ointment into the wound. Yuck! But I will do it with care as she is my girl and anything to help her get better!
They also said that if the infection doesn't go away, they will have to go back in and open her up to see why the drain isn't healing right and why there is an infection continuing.
So we go home, Peanut is thrilled to be out of there, I'm nervous again about the possibility of surgery again, but hopeful that the anitbiotics will work.
I give Peanut her medicine around 6pm last night and clean her wounds as directed. I could see the lethargy setting in. She was drowsy from 7pm on. Around 7:30 I bring her on the couch to snuggle with her as this was a pretty stressful afternoon. She was fine and sleeping comfortably when around 8:30, she jumps off the couch and goes back in the bedroom. I see what she's up to and notice that she had vomited. The concerned mama that I am calls the vet to see what's up.
They told me to try it again tomorrow and make sure she has food in her stomach and give her the meds after she had eaten.
This morning she has her energy back and ate her food just fine, I give her the meds and clean her wounds, then head off to work. I am hoping to come home to no vomit and a dog still living.
Well, 1 out of 2 isn't bad. She's still alive, but there was vomit. AGH!!! I called the vet after cleaning up the mess and am waiting to hear back as to what to do next. I did give her some food since she threw it all up earlier today. I am hoping that they will change her meds to something different or reduce the amount she is getting.
I will be sure to add this to the bills for the pit bull's owner!!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Just call me a tourist!
Why? Well, yesterday we went to the beach and as beautiful as it was outside, it was also very windy at the beach. I was actually chilly. So I kept my shorts and shirt on. I didn't put one drop of sunscreen on. I even had it in my beach bag!
I am paying for it today. I am in soooooo much pain and look like one of those tourists you see around town with their legs, arms, and face lobster red.
I am drowning my skin in aloe lotion and wearing as little clothes as possible. I'm also taking Ibuprofen for the pain. I think it's time for my next dose.
We went to a St. Patrick's Day party last night and I had to go home as I was in soo much pain and starting to get the chills.
TV world:
Big Brother-what were those house guest thinking wanting James back in. I read the spoilers and know who won HOH...I'm just sick to my stomach thinking about who may end up going home now. AGH!
It's on tonight so I'm looking forward to that.
Take care all. Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wear your green!
I am paying for it today. I am in soooooo much pain and look like one of those tourists you see around town with their legs, arms, and face lobster red.
I am drowning my skin in aloe lotion and wearing as little clothes as possible. I'm also taking Ibuprofen for the pain. I think it's time for my next dose.
We went to a St. Patrick's Day party last night and I had to go home as I was in soo much pain and starting to get the chills.
TV world:
Big Brother-what were those house guest thinking wanting James back in. I read the spoilers and know who won HOH...I'm just sick to my stomach thinking about who may end up going home now. AGH!
It's on tonight so I'm looking forward to that.
Take care all. Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day! Wear your green!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
A Dreary Thursday...
Though a productive one! I had 3 kiddos out today and one is challenging so it was kinda nice at school. We got a lot done. It's amazing how different the class is without some of the kids.
I just got back from walking an running at the park and it's getting chilly and drizzling outside. Phil's on his way home from work and he's cooking tonight!!! Yippee!!
Anyone watching Big Brother? I am soo glad that Alison went home last night. She sure was mad that they unanimously voted to evict her! I haven't liked her from the beginning. And now someone gets to come back from being evicted...I wonder who it will be. I hope it's Jen or Parker. They really got screwed because of Alison and deserve another chance. Am I just talking to myself about Big Brother or does anyone else watch it?
Ok-so now it's raining harder.
I snagged this off Kip's blog...
A- Attached or single: attached
B- Best Friend: Peanut, Phil and lots of girlfriends.
C- Cake or Pie: cake, but I like the box type with jar frosting!!! YUMMY!
D- Day of Choice: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
E- Essential Item (s): hair tie, water, debit card
F-Favorite type of music: Country
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: yuck!
H- Hometown: St Petersburg
I- Indulgence(s): dark chocolate
J- January or July: July-January is toooooo cold!!!
K- Kids: just Peanut!
M- Marriage Date: will be November 8, 2008
N- Number of Siblings: 2 brothers
O- Oranges or Apples: actually neither
P- Phobias or Fears: heights, being alone
Q- Quote(s): Life is short, Buy the shoes!
R- Reason To Smile: I'm getting married, I'm losing weight, I'm at a great school, My family is healthy-All is good!
S- Season: Fall
T- Tag Four: Robin, Michele, Cheryl, Roz
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I am pigeon toed
V- vegetarian or meat eater: meat eater!!!!
W- Worst Habit: biting my nails
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: huh? X-Rays...??
Y- Your Favorite Food: chicken sausage, pizza, cheeseburgers, Italian food, dark chocolate...oh so many!
Z- Zodiac: Leo
Last movie: hmm...can't remember! Guess it's time to go to the movies!!
I just got back from walking an running at the park and it's getting chilly and drizzling outside. Phil's on his way home from work and he's cooking tonight!!! Yippee!!
Anyone watching Big Brother? I am soo glad that Alison went home last night. She sure was mad that they unanimously voted to evict her! I haven't liked her from the beginning. And now someone gets to come back from being evicted...I wonder who it will be. I hope it's Jen or Parker. They really got screwed because of Alison and deserve another chance. Am I just talking to myself about Big Brother or does anyone else watch it?
Ok-so now it's raining harder.
I snagged this off Kip's blog...
A- Attached or single: attached
B- Best Friend: Peanut, Phil and lots of girlfriends.
C- Cake or Pie: cake, but I like the box type with jar frosting!!! YUMMY!
D- Day of Choice: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
E- Essential Item (s): hair tie, water, debit card
F-Favorite type of music: Country
G- Gummy Bears or Worms: yuck!
H- Hometown: St Petersburg
I- Indulgence(s): dark chocolate
J- January or July: July-January is toooooo cold!!!
K- Kids: just Peanut!
M- Marriage Date: will be November 8, 2008
N- Number of Siblings: 2 brothers
O- Oranges or Apples: actually neither
P- Phobias or Fears: heights, being alone
Q- Quote(s): Life is short, Buy the shoes!
R- Reason To Smile: I'm getting married, I'm losing weight, I'm at a great school, My family is healthy-All is good!
S- Season: Fall
T- Tag Four: Robin, Michele, Cheryl, Roz
U- Unknown Fact About Me: I am pigeon toed
V- vegetarian or meat eater: meat eater!!!!
W- Worst Habit: biting my nails
X- X-Rays or Ultrasounds: huh? X-Rays...??
Y- Your Favorite Food: chicken sausage, pizza, cheeseburgers, Italian food, dark chocolate...oh so many!
Z- Zodiac: Leo
Last movie: hmm...can't remember! Guess it's time to go to the movies!!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
THE dress!!!
I found it! My mom and I went to David's Bridal on Thursday and started the search for my wedding dress. We found a few and I was actually thinking by the end of the day on Friday that one of the dresses would be the one.
EDITED!! The pictures have been removed and now you have to wait until the wedding or wedding pictures to see! Sorry!
This morning I had an appointment for Jon's Bridal in Tampa. My mom and grandma drove over. The lady, Denise, was very helpful and listened to what I wanted or what I thought I wanted. We tried on some dresses and after nothing really jumped out at me, she started bringing me some other dresses that she thought I might like. Well, I found it!
My dress is called a candlelight color-basically ivory. It is tafetta, gathers in the front towards the top and has just a little bit of beading and sequins. It looked very flattering in the mirrors. On of the mirrors was a distance away and she kept having me look into that one since that's what I'll look like in the pictures. Each time I looked in that mirror with the other dresses on, I didn't look right in the dresses. But with this one on, I looked perfect. She asked me in the beginning how I wanted to look on my wedding day and I told her I wanted to feel/look "pretty". When I tried on this dress and looked in all the mirrors, I said "It's so pretty!"-without realizing it.
So I won't keep you in suspence until November (or later) when the wedding pictures are back so show you the dress...
Here it is...The hair is not how I'll wear it, not the veil or headpiece I'll wear, the straps need to be taken in some and of course the length, but it fits perfect. Once I loose another 10 or more pounds it may need to be taken in some.
EDITED!! The pictures have been removed and now you have to wait until the wedding or wedding pictures to see! Sorry!
What do you think???
I love it!!!!! I want to put it on again! We left it at my parents' house since Phil is living here now.
I love it, love it, love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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