Saturday, March 31, 2007

Coming to an end...

Spring Break that is.

I had a really good week!

Monday a bunch of girls went to the beach.

Tuesday some of us walked on the beach.

Wednesday a few of us went kayaking. That was really fun! We saw a ton of Sting rays! I'm not too sore so that's good too! Just nice and relaxing!
Thursday I took Peanut to the dog beach (she needs to get some sun too) with a friend and her dog. Peanut wasn't really feeling it! She stayed on the sand and dug a hole since it was hot. I took her in the water a few times to cool off and she had to swim out. She's such a cutie. The other dog would chase the wake made from the boats. I was hoping Peanut would catch on but she didn't.

Friday was another beach day. You'd think I'd be tired of the sun, but no! I sat under the umbrella and just chatted with the girls.

I managed to get some good sun (as if getting sun is good for you) and wore sunscreen each day. And now I'm ready for the CRUISE!!!! I can't wait! We will have soo much fun-right girls?!! Robin-Kip, Jules, Linda, and Michele?!!

Other news to note: Tim-my brother (the on in HS) got accepted to FSU so he is really excited. Pat-my other brother (the one in college) is looking to transfer (remember the girlfriend situation-well they broke up) and got accepted at USF so he may go there-he's still hoping for FSU-but he needs his ACT/SAT scores to go up by a few more points and that's really hard to looks like USF it will be!

I planned on sleeping in each day this week, but between getting blood drawn on Monday early morning (going to a new dr) and then the dr apppointment on Wednesday early morning, and then wanting to get umbrellas at the beach, sleeping in was not so easy. Not sure why I scheduled a dr apt in the early morning during Spring Break-but I did...then yesterday and today, I was woken up by the race cars at the Grand Prix. Wish I could go, but I'm headed to Orlando today for my friend's wedding. Should be fun!

Tomorrow I will be relaxing, cleaning/straightening up my house, grocery shopping, laundry, etc. Have a great weekend! Here's some pictures from kayaking...

Here's Beth and I...It was her first time kayaking.

Here's Candy and I...she brought the drinks...

Here's Candy and Tonya...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Break

I know there are more cobwebs...

Here's what I've been up to:

Sleep In
Play with Peanut
Sleep In
Play with Peanut
Tomorrow here's what's going on...
Dr in the morning then Kayaking with the girls...
Then nap
Then out with the girls...
Thursday and Friday-not sure yet-maybe dinner with Robin.
Saturday I'll be heading over to Orlando to go to my friend Heather's wedding.

If anything exciting happens I'll be sure to let you all know-I'll try to bring the camera tomorrow on the kayak trip so I'll have some pictures I hope.

Sorry this was a boring post, but currently I've been in a blah mood-yes it's spring break, but same old crap going on...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunny Sunday!

I just got back from taking a long walk along the water. I ran a little too...

I'll be heading to the grocery store in a few minutes and then relaxing at home.

Later today I'll be heading up to my parents. We are going to dinner for my step-dad's dad's birthday. I'm not really what I'll eat, we are going to a seafood place and since I shouldn't really eat shellfish, and I'm not a big fish eater...I'll try to find something.

Last night I went to Kim's party that she had. Yummy food!!! And lots of it too!! I was going to meet up with Phil afterwards but decided my bed sounded much better! Shhh don't tell him that though! He was at a party that someone from his work was having, I made an appearance before I went to Kim's so that should be ok.

Ok-well, I think I'll get moving, since I've got all this energy. Hope you have a great Sunday!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

St. Patrick's Day Fun!

Your Irish Name Is...

Ella Flynn


Your Leprechaun Name Is:

Fluffy Ettercap


I decided to be the bigger person in this whole situation and talked to the guy.

I spoke to the prez and told him how I thought we ought to have some sort of mediation, but first wanted to talk to the guy about it so I can be the bigger person. I saw him last night and he was alone, so I told him that I wasn't trying to be confrontational, just trying to ask you all to stop making the noise since it was after the time. He tried to tell me that it was only 10:30 (which I came back and said again that the time is 10:00 quiet time) and that he didn't think he was being loud and that his blinds needed to be put up since the nieghbors just moved in and can see through...(I think they moved in a few weeks ago-I guess he's not too bright) He "apologized" I let him talk and then I told him that I didn't appreciate getting yelled at by your gf. He told me that he heard a lot of yelling from both sides. I told him that she was doing pretty much all of it and that I don't feel that I deserved that. He tells me "Well, that's between you guys." I told him I guess it's her because I don't have a problem with her (not until now.) Then I told him that I was trying to just come up and ask you guys to stop and wasn't trying to get into a fight, and that I am just trying to live my life here and get along peacefully. He pretty much was done hearing what I had to say so he left...

I told the prez that I did that and we'll see what happens next. If it happens again...look out!!!

Anyway...I went for walk #4 this week at the park. Peanut didn't come yesterday or today since she was holding me back on Tuesday. I'm hoping to continue this weekend...

Plans for St. Patty's Day...
Going to a party at a friends. Laura (pool girl) will be in town so we are getting together for food, drinks and fun times...It's all girls so no Phil-besides he's going to a party that a guy from work is having... We may meet up after, or maybe I'll be having too much fun and not leave the party!

If you read this far-thanks! I'm sorry for the boring blow by blow above...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

UGH!!! SHE IS A BI#%@!!!!!!

Well, last night I went to bed a little after 10pm and around 10:30 I am just getting relaxed when I hear hammering noises coming from above yet again...I wait and try to will them to stop. But nooooo! They keep doing it and then start moving around furniture too! So I recall from a conversation that I had with the prez that the next time I have a problem with them to speak to them in a calm manner....ok Amy, take a deep breath!!! So I get out of bed, take some deep breaths so I am calm and knock on their door. The *&%$# answers the door and I (very calmly) say I am trying to work with you guys on the floor thing, but the tapping and moving of furniture has got to stop. She proceeds to call me every name in the book, well mostly that I am now the BI*&% and she threw in the f bomb and told me that she was f-ing tired of me being a b*&%$. I said (trying once again to remain calm) it is not the time to be making these noises. Again a few more lovely words came out of my mouth so seeing no resolution coming I tell her that I will be talking to the prez and she tells me go ahead you f-ing b&#$%! Then slams the door in my face....I proceeded to call her one back before she slammed it. I just cannot believe how RUDE she is and what a BI&*% she is. I was trying to be neighborly and ask them to stop so that I could sleep but, wow-she really showed her ugly side-(she is too.)

I have decided that I need to talk to the guy-the only one on the lease-and again be calm and see that these noises not occur during sleep hours... Keep in mind this is now the 2nd time they have done this and the first time, the prez talked to them...
Now they are just blatantly disregarding the rules that they agreed to live by.

I don't know how much longer I can remain calm about this!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's Tuesday

and that means it's American Idol night! You know what I'm doing then!

So the weather here has been absolutely gorgeous lately! Peanut and I took a long walk yesterday along the water and then again today. I had to drag her some of the way and then pick her up...poor thing! She was beat! I'll give her a rest tomorrow and go on my own.

My intern has been sick the past few days and so I've been teaching again...Loving It! I really have missed the kids and getting them to smile and see them learn! It's very rewarding!

Nothing really exciting to update you all on. The time change has really been hard to get used to in the morning, but I love the daylight later in the evening!

I'm sorry there's nothing more to tell you! I'll try to go out and do something to be blog worthy!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

I am sooo disappointed!

Sabrina and Sundance should be in the top 12!!!! Sanjaya and Haley should have been the other 2 that were sent home!!! I can not believe it!! The voters had it wrong!

I feel much better now that I got that off my chest!

I get to teach tomorrow as my intern has to go to a seminar all day. I'm kind of looking forward to it! I've missed my kids and doing all the fun little things we do each day.

Also tomorrow is Prom for my brother Tim. His senior year is coming to an end and I just can't believe it! Nearly 18 years ago he was on his way into the world and now...oh my...I just can't believe that they are all grown up!

There are previews out right now for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and way back, when my brothers were little, that was their favorite! There were a few Halloweens that they were dressed as a TMNJ character...not to mention the many action figures and sheets and pj's...I had to watch the movie several times back then.

Ok I better end this before I start to cry.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Idol Watchers...

I think Blake is so cute...there is something about his way of singing that I really like. At first the bebopping was a little wierd, but I think his personality shines in his singing.
The rest of the guys pretty much stink...It'll be a girl for sure this season!

Anywho-so I went to a Poetry class tonight-on how to teach my kids how to write poetry...I know what you are thinking. I was thinking it too! Kindergarteners write poetry...yep! I have faith that they can do it...I may have no more hair afterwards, but they will have poems!! Mark my words!

We had to practice writing some poems of our own tonight in class and I am a true poet! I think I should quit my day job and publish my anthology of poems! Hehehe!!

Here's a sample:


Peanut runs
She dreams.
Peanut wags
She dreams.
Peanut barks
She dreams.
Peanut snores
She dreams.

Whatch think???? I'm good aren't I?!! I'll be signing a copy of my poems at your local Barnes and Noble before you know it!

That's all for tonight-Don't let the bed bugs bite.
Oh-I may not be able to claim that one...

PS-My TV in my bedroom died. I hate not being able to watch before bed or while I'm getting dressed in the morning.

Monday, March 05, 2007

So Sorry

I was notified by a dear friend that my blog had cobwebs on it. I'm here to dust them off.

What have I been up to? Not much, hence the lag in the blogging.

This Allergy season has been a killer! I have had really bad headaches, stuffy, just all around crappy feeling. It was either the allergies or the flu...I had one boy out all week. He went home early one day the week before and just returned to school today. Poor thing! Oh and I have a child with Staph infection too. Fun, fun, fun!

So resting is what I've done. I had to drive over to Tampa on Thursday and man...that drive is horrible! I left my house at 3:50 and did get to my advisors office until after 5:00. I sat on the bridge for nearly 30 minutes. Did not pass Dale Mabry until after 4:40...I know because I had to call her to tell her I didn't think I'd make our 5:00 appointment. Well, I was only a few minutes late...I signed my plan of coursework. 33 hours and then I'm done. So I think I'll start taking 2 classes each semester and then I can be done by the end of '08. 3 hours down (well almost) and 30 more to 10 classes after this one.

I was supposed to go to Orlando for my friend Heather's bachellorette party, but since I was feeling lousy all week, I didn't make it. I hope they had a good time. I can't wait to hear all the stories and see the pictures.

On the agenda this week: Work, work , work, work, 4 days have a workshop tomorrow night for 3 hours, going to do some homework and work on my project a little, um...I think that might be it for this week. If something exciting happens I'll be sure to let you all know!